Barb's going at it a little differently!

Debs I am totally with you. If a 'diet' means that the occasional slip is impossible, then the regime is too tough for me. 90/10 is exactly how I am viewing it. I know there are going to be times when i slip a bit but if the rest of the time I can follow a healthy eating plan then that has to be better than not bothering at all.

Your new regime is clearly working and if you find it works for you then that is all that matters.

I reckon we are both on our way this time Deb - I really hope so.
Strange day yesterday. Did well in the day allowing for the party in the evening. Didn't have dinner as thought there would be lots of party food -there wasn't! Disaster. Few bits of salad and that was it - so came home really hungry at 1.30am and went straight to bed. Which in theory sounds good, but no, all it's done is mean i am starving today and can't stop thinking about food! It will be good to get this mad weekend out the way and get back on track!
So week one out the way and how have my new 'rules' gone? Well, despite a mad weekend I have managed to write everything down in my diary - think and plan my food better and generally get my head in a better place. I have weighed myself twice, which is annoying of me and I am cross about it. However, it does mean that on 5 days I didn't weigh, so that is an improvement. Going to try and do better this week.
Hey hey!
Coctails, totally worth the calories! No worries. The 90/10 idea seems pretty solid, lets face it, if we did a diet 100% of the time we'd all go bonkers!
Never go to bed hungry! If I'm hungry just before bed I'll have half a mug of porridge or something like that, it really helps.

Up to much this week?
I hope everything goes well for you today :)
Best wishes!
Thanks Emz - I think the 90/10 idea is a good 'un. The cocktails were lush - can't resist. I was cross at going to bed hungry but had gone way past it tbh. Nothing sociable now till next saturday night - dinner party for 4 at ours, so in theory I should be able to be good!

Today? So far so good! How about you are you getting on ok?
Yeh you can make something delicious and a wee bit healthy, t'will be grand. And it means that you know exactly how many calories you're putting in to the food, so at least then you know what you can scoff and what you can have in moderation n stuff. Hope it's an enjoyable evening.

Good stuff, yeh I'm alright ta. Tad bored, can't wait for uni to start back up, just getting on with some embroidery.
Yesterday was good, I feel like the naughty weekend is behind me now. Enjoying keeping my diary - it amazes me how well writing it down works. If i fancy something, i think about writing it down and it puts me off! It feels ok to write down 'one milky way funsize' it would not be so good to write down 4!

Here's to a good day today.
Had couple of good days eating wise but have been feeling very down. Losing Dad seems to creep up on me every now and again and wallop, it feels like it happened yesterday. So, had a very teary day on Tuesday, bit better yesterday and today I think i'm ok. It's only been 5 months, so I guess it is bound to still be hitting me hard. I just miss him so much.
Srry to hear about you being down, I hope you start to feel a little more positive. It sounds trite but time really is a healer, don't try and rush yourself into anything, you're bound to have up days and down days.
Best wishes x
Thanks Emz, it's not trite at all, it's true. I know I am better than I was and I know as time goes by it will be less raw.

I'm still doing well on the writing down, not so well on the not weighing! How daft is that?

I'm not saying anything definite weight wise but I do see a downward trend....
Glad to hear it's all going well ... so far, so good :)

As for your dad ... grieving is one of those horrible human experiences that cannot be rushed. It takes as long as it takes and hurts as much as it hurts and that's just the way it is. As time passes though, the gaps between to sad times increase although I think there will probably always be sad moments of reflection. But I'd be a bit concerned if I never, ever felt sad about the death of a loved one. To shed a tear now and again expresses that you love and miss them after all.

Keep fighting the fight Barb - you're doing great!
Downward trend. I like that :) Good stuff. Weighing isn't the most important thing, it's how you feel, so no worries there.
I hope that everything continues to go so well!
See you soon :)
Thanks Emz - I'm doing my best, not being perfect by any means but any progress is better than none. We had a lovely dinner party last night and yes, I indulged like mad, but today I am getting back on the straight and narrow and I refuse to feel guilty for having some fun.

Thanks Debs, I know you, more than most, understand where i am with Dad. I know what you mean about the inbetween bits increasing and i must say that I know I was crying all the time and now I'm not. I have happy bits, which still feels kind of wrong, but i know dad would want me to be happy. He was always thinking of others, even at the very end he was urging me to look after myself and to look after Mum, which I am trying my best to do. So, yes, it's a cliche, but life does go on. It's not the same life but it is still good in so many ways and i want to make the most of it. In some ways I guess that is where this latest 'slimming plan' has come from/ I know I could feel a lot better a bit lighter, it no longer is about how I look but is more about how I feel. Dad would be chuffed to know I am trying to slowly get a bit healthier. Especially whilst enjoying myself at the same time!
Hi Barb,

Have really enjoyed reading your diary, and wha you say makes real sense, I like the idea of being sensible with eating but not depriving yourself. Some diets I have looked at seem so difficult and must take immense will power to get through a day never mind a week. I hope it all works out and you get the results you want.

Oh fab, glad you enjoyed the guilt-free dinner party! I was going to ask what you had, but I wont because it will only make me jealous ;)

Hope your week goes well :)
Thanks Healthy2010 - I don't claim it will be fast but if it makes me get and keep a few good habits then it will be very worthwhile!
Ok Pink, I won't mention the crab pate/steak kebabs/chocolate brandy cake at all! Sorry!! It wasn't very nice, really it wasnt, anyway, it was the champagne that did the damage!

Anyway, now trying to be a good Barb again, still keeping my diary every day with no misses so i am very pleased with that!
SOOO MEAAANNN!!! lol. I dont care, I had a McFlurry the other day is it was LUSH! lol.

How's it all going?
Oh, I love Mcflurry's - you can keep the burgers and fries, not keen on them but the McFlurry, irresistable!

I'm ok, had a biscuity day yesterday, which is a bit annoying of me. My mood this week has been low again. I am finding staying focused hard but tbh if I was on a 'strict' plan I would have gone off the deep end days ago. So, it just shows that what i am doing, all though it is not great, it is working for me and I think on the 28th I will see a small drop in weight. I will be satisfied with that.
Well that's totally the way to do it! Do something that works for you, even if it isnt 100% perfect all of the time it beats being 100% for a week and then 0% for the next month.

Have a good weekend :)
Ok, I've been awol all week but in my defence it's been a bonkers week. So the diary was ignored and the rules definitely slipped. But, I'm back to it now and the 28th looms on wednesday with hopefully a small loss. I'm not expecting much, this is a slow burn rather than a fizzle out!