A good day yesterday, back to recording in my diary properly. I stopped for just over a week as i was not thinking 'weight loss' and couldn't really cope with anything much. So yesterday i thought, right, get back to it properly and I am glad I did.
My taste buds are still a bit weird though; i cut up carrot and cucumber to have with houmous for lunch and it just tasted horrible. So that went in the bin. Last night I did lamb and that wasn't nice either. It must be me because everyone else enjoyed it. I think the inhalers must have just altered my taste for now, I'm sure it will be ok in a day or two.
Looking forward to Tuesday's weigh-in - hoping for one off this week, that would be lovely. Also occurred to me that 5 more lbs would be 2 stone and so that would be a good aim for August. Fingers crossed!