Barb's going at it a little differently!

Thank you for all your happy birthday wishes. I had a wonderful time. Lovely pressies and then a surprise night away to a gorgeous hotel with my DH.
It was so nice to be just us two in a beautiful peaceful setting with nothing to do but eat, drink and be merry!
My lovely DS2 rang from Thailand and although it made me very emotional, it was great to hear from him. Then today, a mystery parcel arrived and it was a beautiful Thai painting which he had wrapped so carefully and sent to us because he thought we would love it. Which we do.

So feeling very lucky and spoilt. Have a slightly wild weekend ahead but plenty of time to sort myself out for next Friday's weigh in. So it's all good. Been swimming today and feel a bit knackered but at least i went!
Thanks Rose, I do feel very lucky. We are having friends round tonight for a chinese take-away and will be mostly cuddling our yorkie who is terrified of the fireworks! There are quite a few peeps round here who do them in their gardens so it goes on all week and more - tonight i expect they will go on all evening. My poor Ozzie, he will be so upset.

On the weight front - feeling very positive and have already done my swim today!
Poor Ozzie, he shook all over for about 3 hours. I was awful, but then he settled down and has been ok since.

Couldn't fit my swim in today, just too much going on. Do better tomorrow.
Tomorrow is a new day.... we can't always fit exercise in... it's not that big a deal, what's most important is your diet, and attitude :)
Thanks OTW - by golly you are doing well. Over 5 stone gone, you are amazing.

I've had a funny day or two. Swam on Saturday, back was hurting whilst swimming but i thought i'd best keep going (idiot) but then over the next few days it was awful. It's a bit better today, so I went to aqua, but it's achy again now. Very annoying.

Also, yesterday, being Monday, I thought 'right, get back on this diet and stop messing about' - lovely and strict with myself. Very stressful morning at work, various issues, ended up in tears at home for no real reason. Generally felt horrible for the rest of the day but stuck very tight to my no naughty food plan. Grumpy as can be, then 9pm DH says ' have we got any chocolate?' - 'yes' says I and goes and gets it. I ate one mini bag of choc buttons, 75cals eat them very slowly and felt almost instantly better. How weird is that? I think my bod was just not coping with zero sweet stuff. So, lesson learnt, strict but not too strict. It's never worth feeling that horrible. i'd rather stay fat. Which obviously I'm not going to as 75cals is hardly going to rock the boat. Just made me think so thought I'd share!
Ah thanks hun... I'm determined to do it, and the notion of getting back to work in new year is pushing me to keep going. I can't wait to see the faces of people in the office :D

You'll get there too, one day at a time.... I take it a day at a time, and before you know it, you're at next WI with another loss :p
Hi Barb :)

Happy Belated birthday, glad you had such a lovely time, that sounds so nice to go away for the night like that :)

Am sorry your daughter has had trouble with labyrinthitis too and is still struggling, has she found that anything helps?

I've not really been on minimins for a week or so, been a bit low, hopefully things are getting better again

All the best
Thanks Blossums. DD1 has since been diagnosed with an underactive thyroid and it is still, after a year, being sorted out. She get very fed up, but it just seems to be taking ages. her labyrinthitis was helped by the Epley manoeuvre, well worth googling!

Sorry to hear you have been a bit low, I think when a diet plan is seriously long term it is very hard to maintain the momentum and enthusiasm. Just got to keep at it as best we can and if the losses are slow, so be it, so long as they do come eventually.

I must say I am struggling at the moment, things keep 'getting in the way' - funny at the beginning of this plan I didn't let that happen now I do. Having said that there is no way I can just eat what I like and say to hell with it - I would have done once, but not any more.
Happy belated birthday Barb....

I hope you have a fab result on the scales next week as an extra birthday gift :D
Thanks OTW but i think it's highly unlikely TBH I have not been good, I've not been terrible but if I scrape an STS that will do me this week. Especially as I knocked 4 off last week.

I'm finding it hard, the keeping going, focusing, motivating myself. But i suppose that is the difference between people who achieve the entire weight loss they want and those that don't. Those that do it find that effort, focus and motivation to keep them going till the job is done. That has to be me, I cannot fail, I have to keep going and if I never give up, that is me. Right?
Of course it is lovey :)

I think I've reached the stage where I got 'tired' of trying and failing and putting more weight now its time to break that cycle for all of us! :)

have a great day x
And we are all doing it barb ! The fact that you are very aware of what you are eating and keep going is the fact that you will succeed this time x x
Katierose, you are doing so well. 12 weeks and a loss every week, brilliant.

Me? Not so good. I keep thinking I have found my mojo and it keeps buggering off again. An STS this week, which is totally deserved. Can i do better next week? I must!
..and you WILL lovey! :) I'm losing a bit of concentration the past week or two, and craving all sorts, but as yet, have stayed on track... I think, for me... its the seasonal change?....and the habit of looking and eating comfort food in the winter for too many years ;)'s to a shift in that old scale pointer next time for both of us!
I agree Rose, I think the seasonal thing is a big issue, but we have to turn it to our advantage. I love soup, always have and now I think i must make sure I have a really good one on the go all the time. That way I can have a healthy filling meal whilst doing myself some good.

I have woken up this morning feeling some determination creeping back. with just 6 weeks till Christmas there is time to make a real difference. So the naughty stuff that is appearing all to regularly will have to go.

I am aiming at getting 5lbs more off by Christmas - I think I can do that without it being too full of pressure. I know some people would not be satisfied with such a slow pace, but for me, it's got to be slow and steady.
I think slow and steady is the best way anyway, and it also means you can have a normal life on the way

Soups are supposed to be really good for losing weight too as they stay in your stomach longer - should make some more soups meself!

I've heard the doctor mention that manouvre but haven't been sent for it, think my case not so severe as some

Been feeling a bit better lately, fingers crossed!

All the best