Thanks OTW - by golly you are doing well. Over 5 stone gone, you are amazing.
I've had a funny day or two. Swam on Saturday, back was hurting whilst swimming but i thought i'd best keep going (idiot) but then over the next few days it was awful. It's a bit better today, so I went to aqua, but it's achy again now. Very annoying.
Also, yesterday, being Monday, I thought 'right, get back on this diet and stop messing about' - lovely and strict with myself. Very stressful morning at work, various issues, ended up in tears at home for no real reason. Generally felt horrible for the rest of the day but stuck very tight to my no naughty food plan. Grumpy as can be, then 9pm DH says ' have we got any chocolate?' - 'yes' says I and goes and gets it. I ate one mini bag of choc buttons, 75cals eat them very slowly and felt almost instantly better. How weird is that? I think my bod was just not coping with zero sweet stuff. So, lesson learnt, strict but not too strict. It's never worth feeling that horrible. i'd rather stay fat. Which obviously I'm not going to as 75cals is hardly going to rock the boat. Just made me think so thought I'd share!