[hugs} you are not a misery hun, never feel like that! we are all here to support you and none of us are perfect or star pupils when it comes to dieting
you just sound as if the demands of a hectic family life are taking its toll, and you are feeling there is not enough room left for you and what you want!... I've been there Barb, and just recently panicked that i couldn't feel the old determination and motivation that i has last year, but everyone supported me on here, made me realise and remember where i have come from and where i am heading!
I don't have the same level of motivation as last year, and i am not as strict on myself, but i am eating what i plan to eat and am trying to be as active as i can be..but if i have a day when i have no energy or desire to exercise, then i say so, without fear that others might judge me for not 'jogging on the spot' kind of scenario Hee hee
when our minds are not on it, it is very difficult to think and believe that we will ever succeed..but i know you want to do this, we have said to each other plenty of times, that it doesn't matter how, why, when or for how long..we are changing our lifestyles..and pounds will melt, pounds might go on!..weight might stay the same etc etc..but we ARE doing something about it, we are 'trying' and when your head allows you peace to focus on yourself, then you will be right on track again..just go with the flow...when you feel up to it, then go for it..if you are having a bad day or week or month, worry not...tomorrow is always another day..and in the meantime... always come on here for a chat whether you are counting calories or not!
....we can chat about the weather or anything until you are ready to chat about weight loss..
sometimes we even talk about weight loss on my thread..yes, now and again!!!...and as you know..other times its like an asylum..and the lunatics have taken over..including me! hee hee
...so don't sit at home, worrying about not feeling up to weight loss, just pop on and chat way..you are missed when you are not here!!!
phew..ramble over...take care hun, and i'll be looking for you tomorrow