Hmmm, yesterday went really wrong. I think it was a reaction to the difficult day on Monday. DH was keen to go out for dinner, just us 2 and as I had decided i'd undereaten for 2 days, I was happy to agree. Then our heating stopped working and there was a possibility the plumber might come, so we stayed in. I made a curry and we opened some wine; when it came t eating i just didn't want to, so i pushed it round my plate whilst drinking lots of wine. End result, plastered.
Really cross with myself today. Feel awful (serves me right) didn't eat well, which was the whole point and now I just am relieved to be back on the plan. I'm counting 1500 cals for yesterday as i certainly drank about 600.
I need to learn from that; it didn't make me feel better, it made me feel worse.