Your husband sounds lovely barb. It's great that he is paying more attention this time around. My husband is quite taken aback by my determination this time around. We didn't kick off to a good start on 1st January however. He popped out during the day and came back with a Haagan Daz lolly for me saying 'Hey I got you something nice!'
Well...........if looks could kill! I was mortified. "I can't eat that i'm on a diet.!' I told him. His face hit the floor. I hadn't bothered to tell him I was starting on 1st Jan simply because its embarrassing the amount of times that I HAVE told him I'm starting a diet, only to stuff my face a few days later in front of him. I didn't eat the lolly, but it sure did put a damper on things.
Eventually I told him all the main reasons why I just had to succeed this year, and that I'd slowly been mentally leading up to it over Xmas, not really enjoying my xmas food knowing that I was going to have to work this and that off later! But the main reason for doing it I told him was not that I want to look sexily slim or anything,(although that does sound good

) but the fact that I am over 20 stone and suffering physically because of it. For far too long had I been ignoring the wheezy breaths up stairs and the heavy aches in my knees and joints. I spent most of my pregnancy on the sofa and I'm 38 not 68!! Also, because I'm fairly tall(5'8) I don't look very round at all, which is deceptive both to me and others. They all think I'm just a big tall girl, whereas I know that I can hide the truth from them and pretend I'm just around 15 stone, but I can't hide the truth from myself.
So my hubby is also being supportive now, and really impressed with my fortitude. I only hope to God I don't try to drag him into a binge-fest down the line or he will never believe me again! I HAVE to do it this year because I asked God for a healthy baby with my husband, after 16 years of having my first son in my first marriage, (yeah big age gap!!!) and I never ever thought I'd be having any more kids, and I got my gorgeous little one now. The least I can do is be a healthy and happy mum to look after him and see him grow!