Valerie I'm really sorry to hear that
I had a bit of a rough time, my dad died when I was 8. My mum ended up going out with someone he used to be in a band with. He never really beat us up or anything, but he controlled my mum, pinned her up against walls if she did something "wrong", and I was only young, he chased me upstairs and kinda shook me and he also punched me in the back when I was running away from him. I thought that was bad enough so I can't imagine what you and your children went through. Nobody deserves that. I'm glad you were strong enough to leave him 
I suppose it's not that bad really, he's applied for some jobs already, and went out and sent another job application away in the post. He's also stopped smoking so much weed recently to save up for Christmas for me. But I still feel it's only temporary. But I'm still glad I'm more important to him if he can cut down that much.
Hi, Amber. Thanks very much
That doesn't sound good though. With Ali I am allowed male friends, he gets on well with mine, he just doesn't like me talking to anyone I've slept with. He never made me delete anyone either, I just did it because I know he doesn't like it and he means a lot to me - he deleted people for me too. We're both insecure and I certainly didn't need another girl who he'd slept with always commenting on his facebook etc. because she still fancied him. To be honest your mum is right, there's a lot of stuff I never said about my first boyfriend, just because I could write a bloody book lol!! If you really love him and want to stay with him, at least try and see your friends again because if anything does happen you're going to be left with nobody. Please don't let him control you
He's obviously very insecure if he doesn't want you to get thin again, he probably thinks once you're "hot" again, you'll be able to run off with someone else. He's just being selfish.. Does he make you feel guilty if you tell him he's done something to annoy/upset you?
Hahaha that's exactly what he was like! It was so embarassing he thought he was good!
I weighed myself this morning. 16st 8.4 lbs. That's 6.7lbs I've lost! Call that 7lbs for the ticker?
Yaaaaaaay!! Sooo pleased with myself, I haven't even been 100%. I'm really determined to have lost a stone by Christmas so I'm really going to try to be 100% this week, hopefully I can lose another 7lbs over the next fortnight.
I've started drinking peppermint tea again, and more water. The only things I really drink are water and no added sugar robinsons, and now mint tea again
I can't drink caffeine so no fizzy or anything really.
I'm feeling pretty happy today, going to see my gran, she'll be pleased i've lost weight and that i'm doing this. No deep emotional stuff today, maybe tomorrow haha
Probably be on here later to say what i've eaten.
Have a good day everyone! xxx
I suppose it's not that bad really, he's applied for some jobs already, and went out and sent another job application away in the post. He's also stopped smoking so much weed recently to save up for Christmas for me. But I still feel it's only temporary. But I'm still glad I'm more important to him if he can cut down that much.
Hi, Amber. Thanks very much
Hahaha that's exactly what he was like! It was so embarassing he thought he was good!
I weighed myself this morning. 16st 8.4 lbs. That's 6.7lbs I've lost! Call that 7lbs for the ticker?
I've started drinking peppermint tea again, and more water. The only things I really drink are water and no added sugar robinsons, and now mint tea again
I'm feeling pretty happy today, going to see my gran, she'll be pleased i've lost weight and that i'm doing this. No deep emotional stuff today, maybe tomorrow haha
Probably be on here later to say what i've eaten.
Have a good day everyone! xxx