Battle of the Bulge

It was lush!!! But man am I out of shape, I used to be a really strong swimmer about 20 years ago but I was like a beached whale lol - felt really relaxed afterwards and helped to cool me off in the heat.

How did you get on yesterday?
Yesterday was okay was really hungry, headache and in a foul mood! Today I'm a bit better but still very hungry, get weighed 2moro so i hope it's been worth it! Lol otherwise I'll be taking myself straight to the chippy! Lol ( joke)

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I bet you've done brilliantly! I loved the feeling being told I had lost - how are your clothes feeling?

There feeling a little looser , but I think I just look the same! How you getting on 2day? X

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I'm doing ok I think, some evil person has brought shortbread in and it keeps tempting me when I go into the kitchen. It's not worth risking it though, I've been really good.

I was going to weigh myself today in boots but the scales were out of order grrrrrr! I don't feel like I've lost anything this week :( xx
Hey how's it going? My partner bought fish & chips for his tea, I cudnt resist and had a handful of chips!! I have now got belly ache !

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Ha ha ha ha!!! Evilness!!! I managed to avoid the shortbread, my son tried to get me to eat crisps earlier but I resisted - just grilling some fresh tuna and going to have some salad xxx
It's not funny! Feel crap again, but they were lovely! Mmmm

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You have no idea how jealous I am!!! Mind you I've just grilled a fresh tuna steak with lime and chilli, had it with a green salad - so nice mmmmm x
How come your eating? Thought you were on ss! Your food sounds lovely! Am worried now about my weigh in!

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I'm doing ss+ because my BMI is too high to do ss - I do 2 shakes, a bar and a 200 calorie meal. I'm still getting the losses so I am happy with that. When my bmi getto below 40 I can start ss, which by my calculations means I've got to lose 2 stone x
Ahhh now I understand ! I'm drinking loads of water to flush those chips away ! Lol, x

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Ha ha ha!! Go girl!!! I'm not drinking nearly enough tonight...I need to go sit on the naughty step lol xx
Well day 11 and loads of people at work have commented on my weight loss - getting a bit nervous about 2nd WI on Sunday!!!!

I love this diet - its official!!
1st weigh in and ave lost 6lbs!!! I am shocked considering I cheated twice ! 1 1/2 inch off my bust and 1/2 inch off my waist !

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Omg omg omg!!! That is amazing!!!! Well done u :D, I'm soooooo proud of u x
I nearly fell off the scales ! Lol, I thought she was joking! I thought I'd only lose 3lbs with my 2 binges! Lol, it's really a good feeling and I feel more motivated! X

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You've made it through the hardest week :) my CDC doesn't measure me, think I'm going to start taking my own stats. Will be helpful if I have weeks when I don't lose much xx