I wonder how some of those VLC diet meals would stand up to the fake stomach test?!?
Daisyboo Full Member 17 February 2011 #21 I wonder how some of those VLC diet meals would stand up to the fake stomach test?!?
katiekoo Member 17 February 2011 #22 Feels so good that I can eat good healthy fresh food on sw even now I'm eating strawberries
Cheekypasterfield Rather comfy here 17 February 2011 #23 The only pre-made food I have is M&S COU Veg lasagna. It's scary on all the artificial ingredients that's in the products. Watching this programme makes me want to go and get an Apple lol
The only pre-made food I have is M&S COU Veg lasagna. It's scary on all the artificial ingredients that's in the products. Watching this programme makes me want to go and get an Apple lol
boardwitless Silver Member 17 February 2011 #24 Absolute rubbish - what was the point of that? I thought it might have something useful to say but no.....sensationalist claptrap What a whingy bint
Absolute rubbish - what was the point of that? I thought it might have something useful to say but no.....sensationalist claptrap What a whingy bint
M mumtheshopper Silver Member 18 February 2011 #25 Sw is really healthy, with proper food. However, most I know following WW never, or rarealy, touch a readymeal
Sw is really healthy, with proper food. However, most I know following WW never, or rarealy, touch a readymeal
misspinky8 Full Member 19 February 2011 #27 I'm never touching a ready meal ever again the closest I get is Ainsley harriots cous cous or pasta n sauce! Cannot believe it made her gain weight! I'm going to watch this program again!
I'm never touching a ready meal ever again the closest I get is Ainsley harriots cous cous or pasta n sauce! Cannot believe it made her gain weight! I'm going to watch this program again!