Added your loss
@debbie12slim .
Chuffed to itty bits to say the hard work payed off for me. 6lbs down this week so made target. Would love to lose a lb or 2 next week but will be happy to at least maintain this weeks loss to break my good week/bad week cycle.
Dextermummy - target 9lb, 9lb lost, 0lbto go
Solange - target 7lb, 3lb lost, 4lb to go
Lisa - target 5lb, 0lb lost, 5lb to go
hilltop princess - target 7lb, 4lb lost, 3lb to go
Littlemisspiggy - target 4lb , 0.5lb lost, 3.5lbto go
Debbie - target 12lb, 11lb lost, 1lb to go
Buffy - target 14lb, 4lb lost, 10lb to go
Gonzcg - target 5lb, 2lb lost, 3lb to go
Joaniek - target 5lb, 0lb lost, 5lb togo