Be Fab in Feb Weightloss Challenge

Well done everyone on your losses so far. Just 0.5lb for me this week, but at least it's going in the right direction. Still 2lb to go until I get to my pre Christmas weight though :(

Dextermummy - target 9lb, 4lb lost, 5lb to go
Solange - target 7lb, 0lb lost, 7lb to go
Lisa - target 5lb, 0lb lost, 5lb to go
hilltop princess - target 7lb, 2lb lost, 5lb to go
Littlemisspiggy - target 4lb , 0.5lb lost, 3.5lb to go
Debbie - target 12lb, 5lb lost, 7lb to go
Buffy - target 14lb, 4lb lost, 10lb to go
Gonzcg - target 5lb, 1lb lost, 4lb to go
Joaniek - target 5lb, 0lb lost, 5lb to go[/QUOTE]
Sts this week for me which I'm not surprised at. I'm struggling, I only went to gym twice and drank my bodyweight in beer. Still a new week has started and I'm feeling positive
Dextermummy - target 9lb, 3lb lost, 6lb to go
Solange - target 7lb, 3lb lost, 4lb to go
Lisa - target 5lb, 0lb lost, 5lb to go
hilltop princess - target 7lb, 2lb lost, 5lb to go
Littlemisspiggy - target 4lb , 0.5lb lost, 3.5lb to go
Debbie - target 12lb, 8lb lost, 4lb to go
Buffy - target 14lb, 4lb lost, 10lb to go
Gonzcg - target 5lb, 1lb lost, 4lb to go
Joaniek - target 5lb, 0lb lost, 5lb togo
Hey guys. Updated the table including my 1lb gain from last week (I'm done hiding from it!!). Sorry I've not been about (well I have but I've been sulking). Still struggling since xmas. I'll have a super good week then a really bad one. Last week I was verrrrry lucky to eacape with only a 1lb gain. I ate like a woman possessed! Hoping it doesnt catch up with me this week. I have been sooooo good this week so (assuming I don't screw up in the next 48 hours) I'm hoping for a decent wi monday.

Super duper well done on the losses! Why the sad face @debbie12slim ? 3lb is fab and you're well on your way to feb goal!
And @Gonzcg I think a sts in exchange for body weight in beer sounds a great deal. Tempting...
@dextermummy it was totally worth it! Good luck with your WI

Please to report I have lost another lb this week! I don't think I'll hit my target of 5lbs but we'll see how the next 10 days go!

I am losing slowly but it's steady progress so I'm happy. Plus, these early morning gym sessions are paying off, my legs are looking fantastic at the moment and body confidence is very good for the soul.

I'm playing lazer quest tonight and just about to go for a walk. Ive also come down with a bad throat and feel horrendous which should keep me off the beer! Hubs has agreed to reduce the amount we drink, it'll be easier if he's onboard too.
Jealous on the leg front @Gonzcg . I've been upping the excercise and while it's paying off in the thigh department my calves are still horrendous! I actually googled calf measurements and found a thread on a forum where people were discussing it. From the measurements on there I decided mine actually weren't too bad, a little over average...then I realised what the forum was. It was for male bodybuilders!! So yeah, my calfs are a little over average...for Arnie!

Updated for your 1lb loss.

Dextermummy - target 9lb, 3lb lost, 6lb to go
Solange - target 7lb, 3lb lost, 4lb to go
Lisa - target 5lb, 0lb lost, 5lb to go
hilltop princess - target 7lb, 2lb lost, 5lb to go
Littlemisspiggy - target 4lb , 0.5lb lost, 3.5lbto go
Debbie - target 12lb, 8lb lost, 4lb to go
Buffy - target 14lb, 4lb lost, 10lb to go
Gonzcg - target 5lb, 2lb lost, 3lb to go
Joaniek - target 5lb, 0lb lost, 5lb togo
Dextermummy - target 9lb, 3lb lost, 6lb to go
Solange - target 7lb, 3lb lost, 4lb to go
Lisa - target 5lb, 0lb lost, 5lb to go
hilltop princess - target 7lb, 4lb lost, 3lb to go
Littlemisspiggy - target 4lb , 0.5lb lost, 3.5lbto go
Debbie - target 12lb, 8lb lost, 4lb to go
Buffy - target 14lb, 4lb lost, 10lb to go
Gonzcg - target 5lb, 2lb lost, 3lb to go
Joaniek - target 5lb, 0lb lost, 5lb togo
Added your loss @debbie12slim .

Chuffed to itty bits to say the hard work payed off for me. 6lbs down this week so made target. Would love to lose a lb or 2 next week but will be happy to at least maintain this weeks loss to break my good week/bad week cycle.

Dextermummy - target 9lb, 9lb lost, 0lbto go
Solange - target 7lb, 3lb lost, 4lb to go
Lisa - target 5lb, 0lb lost, 5lb to go
hilltop princess - target 7lb, 4lb lost, 3lb to go
Littlemisspiggy - target 4lb , 0.5lb lost, 3.5lbto go
Debbie - target 12lb, 11lb lost, 1lb to go
Buffy - target 14lb, 4lb lost, 10lb to go
Gonzcg - target 5lb, 2lb lost, 3lb to go
Joaniek - target 5lb, 0lb lost, 5lb togo
Added your loss @debbie12slim .

Chuffed to itty bits to say the hard work payed off for me. 6lbs down this week so made target. Would love to lose a lb or 2 next week but will be happy to at least maintain this weeks loss to break my good week/bad week cycle.

Dextermummy - target 9lb, 9lb lost, 0lbto go
Solange - target 7lb, 3lb lost, 4lb to go
Lisa - target 5lb, 0lb lost, 5lb to go
hilltop princess - target 7lb, 4lb lost, 3lb to go
Littlemisspiggy - target 4lb , 0.5lb lost, 3.5lbto go
Debbie - target 12lb, 11lb lost, 1lb to go
Buffy - target 14lb, 4lb lost, 10lb to go
Gonzcg - target 5lb, 2lb lost, 3lb to go
Joaniek - target 5lb, 0lb lost, 5lb togo

WELL DONE ON 6LB'S. Great loss. I will hit my target for Feb but was hoping for a bit more due to scheduled surgery in 18 days. Keeping my fingers crossed that the tumour is a heavy one and I will get a massive loss in March :)
Updated you @Gonzcg

Dextermummy - target 9lb, 9lb lost, 0lbto go
Solange - target 7lb, 3lb lost, 4lb to go
Lisa - target 5lb, 0lb lost, 5lb to go
hilltop princess - target 7lb, 4lb lost, 3lb to go
Littlemisspiggy - target 4lb , 0.5lb lost,3.5lbto go
Debbie - target 12lb, 11lb lost, 1lb to go
Buffy - target 14lb, 4lb lost, 10lb to go
Gonzcg - target 5lb, 4lb lost, 1lb to go
Joaniek - target 5lb, 0lb lost, 5lb togo

I've been pretty good this week and think I was heading for a loss...until I went out last night and drunk my bodyweight in Vodka. Fought off the dreaded hangover munchies fairly successfully today but I did have quite a big chunk off apple pie and custard for my pud tonight. Oh well will see what tomorrow brings.
this month I managed a total loss of 8 lbs. Not the 14 I wanted, but I have stuck to everything all month so I can't be disappointed in myself. Just the joys of weight loss I guess!!!!

Dextermummy - target 9lb, 9lb lost, 0lbto go
Solange - target 7lb, 3lb lost, 4lb to go
Lisa - target 5lb, 0lb lost, 5lb to go
hilltop princess - target 7lb, 4lb lost, 3lb to go
Littlemisspiggy - target 4lb , 0.5lb lost,3.5lbto go
Debbie - target 12lb, 11lb lost, 1lb to go
Buffy - target 14lb, 8lb lost
Gonzcg - target 5lb, 4lb lost, 1lb to go
Joaniek - target 5lb, 0lb lost, 5lb togo
Still a very respectable loss @buffy3256

Happy to report another 3lb gone forever!!

Dextermummy - target 9lb, 12lb lost, 3lb over target :D
Solange - target 7lb, 3lb lost, 4lb to go
Lisa - target 5lb, 0lb lost, 5lb to go
hilltop princess - target 7lb, 4lb lost, 3lb to go
Littlemisspiggy - target 4lb , 0.5lb lost,3.5lbto go
Debbie - target 12lb, 11lb lost, 1lb to go
Buffy - target 14lb, 8lb lost
Gonzcg - target 5lb, 4lb lost, 1lb to go
Joaniek - target 5lb, 0lb lost, 5lb togo
Dextermummy - target 9lb, 12lb lost, 3lb over target :D
Solange - target 7lb, 3lb lost, 4lb to go
Lisa - target 5lb, 0lb lost, 5lb to go
hilltop princess - target 7lb, 6.5lblost, 0.5lb to go
Littlemisspiggy - target 4lb , 0.5lb lost,3.5lbto go
Debbie - target 12lb, 11lb lost, 1lb to go
Buffy - target 14lb, 8lb lost
Gonzcg - target 5lb, 4lb lost, 1lb to go
Joaniek - target 5lb, 0lb lost, 5lb togo