Beating the Bulge... once and for all


Didn't have the energy or drive or training last night. Went home and watched the Easter Bake off Masterclass. Going to make both the Simnel cake and hot cross buns for Easter Sunday! Rather excited. Had a teacake from M&S last night too, so another 4syns to be added

Having a Success Express day today to counteract lack of movement, might jump on the Wii fit for laugh.

B: Fruit and yoghurt w/ Alpen light bar (hb1)
L: Salmon and big salad w/ dark rye ryvita and cottage cheese (hb2) Cherry yog
D: Veg risotto
S: Veg crudites, necatrine, orange, 2 babybel (ha1), apple, biscuit (4.5 syns)

Weekly syns: 23.5/105

For the rest of the week I plan to be back to Extra Easy. Get some variety in there and not the rabbit food!


Hope you have a chocolate filled day!

I weighed in at my friends house yesterday and was 13st4!! Lightest I have ever been. Very exciting.

Although this weekend is entirely off plan. Ooops. But I shall face the consequences and be a vigilant exercise mentalist next week.

Look at my lovely awards!! 1st in 3months is prehaps not as fast as I'd have like to have lost, but I'm losing all the same so I guess I can't complain really. Not giving up now by all means!

It was lovely thanks hun. Did manage to get some Body Magic in yesterday by cleaning my car. No exaggeration it was so dirty you couldn't see out of any windows! (In my defence I live on a bus route so it was mainly grit)

Good day today, food was kind of a SE, meets green day!

B. fruit salad and yoghurt w/ alpen light (ss hexb)
L. Mixed salad with fry lite salad dressing. Yog and kiwi
D. Bean chilli w/ Rice
S. 2 baby bel (hex a) custard cream (3syns) 2 Lindt eggs (3syns)

So much fitness at training tonight. We had to do 55 burpees followed by 55 squats within 5 minutes. Managed it though. Have decided to do the 30day squat challenge so it fitted in nicely.

Right time to put my phone down and get off to bed!!
Something I saw on MFP. Basically you do 30days of squats increasing by 5 each day. Every 4th day is a rest day. Although I have a sneaking suspicion that most people don't squat right!!

Yesterday was another SE. for dinner I had the amazing Bloody Mary burgers with coleslaw, wedges and salsa. So so sooooooo good. From the SW magazine. Thoroughly recommend. Only 1 syn on EE!! Total syns for yesterday were 10. Had Nutella on toast and a couple if Lindt eggs. Well deserved considering my Body Magic.

So i accidentally walked 2miles home. Missed my bus so walked to the next stop, not realising how far it was. Missed another bus so then decided to walk the rest. 30mins later and freezing cold I got home, then did 55 squats, 55 crunches and 55 press ups!! Did 10 of each, the 9 of each etc down to 1 of each. Needless to say i had worked up quite an appetite!!!

Today's a red day.

B. porridge (hex a+b) with banana
L. Prawns in creme fraiche with left over coleslaw and salsa with salad leaves. 2 syns. Shape yog.
D. Chicken and veg tray bake
S. veg crudités. Clementines. Apple. Party rings (5.5) and alpen light either hex b or 3 syns depending if mum puts pots in the bake!!

Training tonight and selection for Sundays game against Saracens. Exciting!!

What a weekend! STS on sat. Initially I was upset because how good I was in the week then I remembered the Easter weekend blow out and felt less bad.

Had a tag tournament on Saturday and got cramp in my hamstring (or so I thought) turns out I have torn it. Got physio tomorrow so the damage can be assessed. Had to play on it yesterday, so probably haven't done it any good. Am walking like a robot today.

Ate the remainder of my Easter choc this weekend so was a little off plan. Never mind. Will keep my syns to between 5 and 10. Doubt I'll be able to get much cardio in this week due to injury so might swap the squat challenge to press up and crunches. Very annoying. Still want to be thin for my birthday.

B. melon, grapes and banana. Alpen light bar (1/2 hex b)
L. Lentil salad (2syns) with 2 ryvita (1/2hex b)
D. Roast chicken and veg
S. snack a jacks caramel (2.5syns)

I know right!! Yeah good clear week ahead so hopefully a pound loss or so. Need to make sure I don't comfort eat with the leg pain though. Chocolates been a naughty vice this weekend!! Tut tut.

I say vodka and a diet drink. Mainly because if you're getting squiggly and don't want anyone else o know you can easily just drink the diet mixer without anyone knowing. That and vodka's 4syns or something. Whilst a glass of wine is 6? Can't remember. Lol.
Finished my day yesterday with a long hot soak in the bath. Ten a glass of milk (hexa) and cookies (4syns) yummers.

EE today.
B. melon, grapes, berries, banana and an alpen light (1/2hexb)
L. Tuna and lentil salad. Yog & orange
S. alpen light (1/2hex b) cheese (hex a) apple

Got physio tomorrow now. Fingers crossed. Xx
So I think I may have been able to salvage a bit of a crazy day into a green one.

Counting the tuna as a hex b, I was able to have both the cheese and apple with my lunch as well as the cheese in the veg pasta bake my dad made. Phew!

Full syn quota had a skinny caramel macchiato from Starbucks. Was 9 syns but so yum!!

Going to have to jump on the scales in the morning. Feel bloated and want a kick up the bum!! Only one week til my birthday and I want be as close to 13st as I can.
