who would want to be beautiful? well i think a lot of people would actually... and not all beautiful people are ugly on the inside .... yes there are plenty of mean and shallow B'ful people, but there are also plenty of mean and shallow not so B'ful people... and to be fair, who decides what IS B'ful. I have a friend who adores skinny man.. personally i wouldnt touch one with a barge pole..., some of us fnd olive skin beautiful, some of think its the englsh rose. Looking back through history, many of us here who are on this journey, would have been considered the 'beautiful people' with our curvey figures and ample buxoms and behinds
.. and the slim people would have been seen as people much lower,,,, skinny meant having to work hard, physical work, not having enough money for food etc. Its swings and round about, changes from year to year and at the end of the day its what you think of yourself that matters. From an attracting the opposite sex point of view, I have come across plenty of people, female and male you have very much lower than the barr set by the media when it comes to facial / body beauty, but they were SO enigmatic and that certain je ne sais pas - which is generally confidence, passion and self belief alongside a caring, loving and compassionate nature, that it wouldnt have made any difference f they looked like an alien on the outside.. their personality on the inside made them the most beautiful person on the room at that moment in time.
I will say what I always say....... how often o you come across someone who is TOTALLY happy and ease with themselves who takes time out of their day to 'slate' another human being... they don't .. they are too busy living their lives, loving, caring, being happy, discovering etc .... so for those of us that do find ourselves using our precious time to slate others ... in my humble opinion, it generally reflects that there is something about yourself that you are significantly not happy with ( me included as being guilty of this by the way.. am not pointing the finger at anyone) and we would be better off spending that time working on ourselves and being a little bit more consious about our thoughts and words.
..now.. as with all my 'soap box' responses.. lol.. i am going off to hide in my cowards cupboard in case i have pissed anyone off :-D