beccas diary

Hiya, I've got hv today, hoping she's going to weigh Naomi but can't really remember what they do tbh. How did Amelia sleep? Naomi slept 12.15 til 7.45 I'm well chuffed :) of course I had to get up with Jack at 7.15 but I only missed out on half an hour x
wow thats amazing,how is she sleepin through so well.amelia fed fron 4 yday afternoom till11 last night,constantly then i gt few hoyrs til she woke at 1.30, then she woke at 5 and i gt up then
nakered all time though dont feel like getin enough sleep
I'm not sure why she's sleeping so long but between about 8-12 she has a 120mls bottle, then 90mls, then she has some more. She gets really hungry between this time, hoping she keeps up the long sleeps x
both ur girs r doing really well, amelia feed,at least every two hours. it getting hard now,as i thought after 3 weeks she,wud b sleeping better
xxxjessiexxx said:
Terri I'm giving Amelia 2 oz every 4 hours shall I increase ??

Hey pretty much from birth Naomi has taken 3oz and if she's been a sleep a while I'll give her 4oz, I asked my midwife if she was feeding too much and the mw says to give her as much as she wants as long as she's not bringing it back up, as that's a sign they're taking in too much, and Naomi is hardly ever sick, it's been days since she was last a little bit sick. I bet Naomi's put on loads of weight but I do believe she's sleeping longer the more she's having in her feed x
i express,one bottle a day for oh to give amelia lasr feed before we go up to bed and i express 5oz n last night she had the,whole,5,then wanted more so i had to bf her afterwards
Cas3 said:
That is really true I found with hollie, once she got to 4 wks she started having around 3ozs and she started sleeping much better, she's having around 4 oz's now and she weighs 12lb now, I think some babys need more than others. Becca it must so tiring for you wiv bf I wudnt be able to manage feeding hollie that long with looking after my other 2 x

it is hun , its getting a bit much want to have her for couple hours to give,us,lil break n so can get some sleep bug it hard with me bf
thanks so much for that thread hun ive not,l been off it all day ha and got some really good advice which has resulted in me expressing more today,sooooo pleased.i have expressed,8oz today and i going to freeze it and when got around 40oz mum is going to have her overnight.norm we would use 5oz on tonights,last feed but going to try and bf all night.will be exhausted in morn but be well worth it,wen gt full night sleeo
thanks so much for that thread hun ive not,l been off it all day ha and got some really good advice which has resulted in me expressing more today,sooooo pleased.i have expressed,8oz today and i going to freeze it and when got around 40oz mum is going to have her overnight.norm we would use 5oz on tonights,last feed but going to try and bf all night.will be exhausted in morn but be well worth it,wen gt full night sleep