beccas diary

There's not an age restriction just depends when baby can hold their head up unsupported and are comfortable sitting up etc, you'll know if Amelia is uncomfortable in it, the health visitor couldn't believe how well she did in it. I'm sure Jack wasn't in it this early though but he was less than 5 months I know that x
Jesse got walker for first Christmas he was 4.5 months and even as he got bigger he never moved round in it he was lazy he loved sitting in it though, mil getting teddy one for Christmas he be 7 month then. Teddy never liked his swing he mainly goes on floor now he love rolling round everywhere and likes his bouncer chair. He gotta play next he goes in to but be more use when is more steady sitting up on his own, he likes foot bouncer but I'm scared use it cus last time one of the straps came loose when he was in and he nearly smacked his head on the tiles on kitchen floor! x
Hope its one of Becca as she was doing gr8 during the night.

Hollie wants to be on the go most of the time she likes playing on the floor, not keen on her bouncer or if I sit her up but she does like her leapfrog activity station as she's starting to stand up in it now.

I'm not keen on those door bouncers so never used them, dont think they look that safe, but that's just me, so don't be put off.

Wots everyone buying their babies for xmas? x
Naomi's got a play and bounce frog activity station, but I have no other clue what to get her except clothes :) what can't you? x
So far iv got teddy a choo choo activity table
Es getting sit in walker from mil
Disney fisher price train off my mum
And push a long walker off my dad
My friend got him fisher price cookie jar
Iv got loads of jesses old stuff so just gunna get him some bits, things that make music, might get him elephant ball popper and a stacking toy x
What's a frog activity station ???? Never seen or heard of them. I ordered a sit me up cosy from mother are which picking up tomorrow, was fonna get door bouncer and walker. As ftm never really looked before so not sure what's best for this age so any thin anyone can recommend would be great.
Wow Teddys going have a lovely xmas!

I was thinking of fisher price train, Maisie had one when she was a baby and love it, my nan brought Hollie the cookie jar, asdas had a great deal on those (in the 2 for 20 quid range).

So far we've got Hollie the minnie mouse baby soft toy it makes sounds, the fisher price musical popping dino not sure wot else to buy her as we still got alot of Maisie's baby toys but will get her some clothes and bits.
I got them both off eBay really cheap excellent condition, I typed it in eBay then found collection only in my area. I think the prices for both vary loads though, I think the activity station is between £40-89. I got the frog £6.19 off eBay and the activity station was £18 x
Well Amelia had better night after waking night before put her to bed at 10.30 and she woke at two but I left her for ten mins and she put herself back to sleep the woke at 8.30.
Was glad she put herself bZck to sleep as the nugget before I ended up feedin her
Had a busy morning took me two hours to make some homemade baby foods I did
Mash and baby gravy
Mash parsnip and baby gravy
Sweet potato
Butternut squash
Butternut squash and pear.
Well worth the time
beccaharrison89 said:
Had a busy morning took me two hours to make some homemade baby foods I did
Mash and baby gravy
Mash parsnip and baby gravy
Sweet potato
Butternut squash
Butternut squash and pear.
Well worth the time

Might try some of them, gunna wait til back of holiday and get a new blender then start making some stuff for ted again x