Becky's Diet Diary

Day 54

Yesterday was a bad day. ...lots of food and too many biscuits! Was just in cals but only because of the amount of exercise I did! Aiming for a better day today. ...I always find weekends hard. Going to do insanity in a bit though as my daughter will be out for a bit this morning.

Breakfast : bacon sandwich (used a 100 call Warburton thin for the bread ) and a Cadburyhighlight
Lunch: porridge and a ww yogurt
Dinner: fish and chips

Exercise day 48 - insanity and a 75 second plank!
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I've not been good this weekend food wise. ..I think because I'd got it in my head that I'd hit 4st that I could relax a bit but instead I've found myself slipping back into old habits. ...I did my shopping online and kept adding treats into the basket. ..which I then took out and have not made good choices this weekend.

So my focus is now not on the 4st I've lost but the 6 lbs I still want to lose. ...when i get there I'll review my target and discipline again and possibly aim for another 7 lbs. ....according to my bmi I could lose another 20 lbs to get into the mid range of a healthy weight. ...I don't want to go this low as it won't suit my frame. ... but I definitely don't want to regain any and I don't think my head is ready for maintaining yet!
I found it strange when I got to target to up the cals - like I was doing something wrong. I don't want to lose any more weight but like you I don't want to put any on.

Did you take the photographs - I am going to do some today (if the sun comes out - it is very cloudy at the moment). OH said to me yesterday that I looked thin in the top I had on so will wear that :)
This weekend has been a total write off so a really good day planned for today!

Didn't do my photos last night as I completely forgot in the day then remembered when I was I'm my pyjamas and couldn't be bothered to get changed! Will do them when I get home from work tonight
I can imagine it's hard to balance not wanting to gain but being at your target. I've had a terrible weekend too, and there's still bad stuff in the house! Trying to get back on track today.
I can imagine it's hard to balance not wanting to gain but being at your target. I've had a terrible weekend too, and there's still bad stuff in the house! Trying to get back on track today.

I thought I had it all sorted in my head and only upped my goal by 100 cals but I think on some level I thought I can stop dieting now! !!

I've had a word work myself and am going for damage limitation now until Thursday so going to be strict to hopefully maintain.

I need to remember I've not just been on a diet for six months this is a way of life and I need to stick to it for ye long term. ... biscuits as a one off are ok, chips as a one off is ok. ... biscuits, chips and chocolate in a weekend is not! !!!!

You'll soon be back on it too...maybe it was just the time of year that made us both slip. ...2 months from Christmas, miles away from summer. ...!
Day 55

Being super good today...

Breakfast: porridge
Snack : banana
Lunch: grilled chicken breast with veg and a ww yogurt
Afternoon: Cadbury highlight
Dinner : ww cottage pie, fruit and a ww yogurt

Exercise day 49 - 30 minute walk, 60 second plank and 2 minute bridge
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Good luck with your super good day today.

I think that is all part of the maintenance journey - to have times when you go a bit ott but then rein it back in quickly. My 'been slim all their life' friends do that but almost without thinking about it. I think that is the key difference - I would beat myself up, say I have 'blown it' and then carry on eating/drinking in that way because I had 'blown it'. They see it as normal, but compensate for it for a few days afterwards.
Good luck with your super good day today.

I think that is all part of the maintenance journey - to have times when you go a bit ott but then rein it back in quickly. My 'been slim all their life' friends do that but almost without thinking about it. I think that is the key difference - I would beat myself up, say I have 'blown it' and then carry on eating/drinking in that way because I had 'blown it'. They see it as normal, but compensate for it for a few days afterwards.

Going well so far. ...I find it so much easier when I'm working!

I'm having a major debate with myself now as to where to set my ultimate goal. .... part of me wants to stick to my current plan of 160 lbs and a size 12 but a part of me is saying go for the 20 lbs which puts me mid range on the healthy bmi and probably a size ten. ...I just worry it will be too much, I'm tall and have a large - ish frame and have always had big boobs! I think I have heavy bones because I've seem charts that estimate your clothes size based on weight and I'm always the clothes size below where I should technically be for my weight.

I know I would nail the 20 lbs if I decided to go for it but my family are already telling me to slow down!
Going well so far. ...I find it so much easier when I'm working!

I'm having a major debate with myself now as to where to set my ultimate goal. .... part of me wants to stick to my current plan of 160 lbs and a size 12 but a part of me is saying go for the 20 lbs which puts me mid range on the healthy bmi and probably a size ten. ...I just worry it will be too much, I'm tall and have a large - ish frame and have always had big boobs! I think I have heavy bones because I've seem charts that estimate your clothes size based on weight and I'm always the clothes size below where I should technically be for my weight.

I know I would nail the 20 lbs if I decided to go for it but my family are already telling me to slow down!

5'7'' and a size 12 sounds pretty perfect!

It may be worth just getting to the 160 lbs, maintaining that for a month and seeing how you feel? Then, if you want to lose more, taking it down another 5 lbs and doing the same?
5'7'' and a size 12 sounds pretty perfect!

It may be worth just getting to the 160 lbs, maintaining that for a month and seeing how you feel? Then, if you want to lose more, taking it down another 5 lbs and doing the same?

I totally agree on the size. ...I've never been this size before! 160 will get me into the top end of the healthy range. ...I'm just hoping I can switch to maintain and not undo all of my work!
Ok, I never intended on sharing these pics as they are shocking but here goes. .... This is me 6 months ago. ...


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And this is me now. .....


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Seriously need to work on toning my arms! !!!
You've done fantastic and well done for bravely sharing!!! Im too ashamed of mine to show anyone x

Thanks, it was never my intention to share them. ...probably why I'm not smiling on the first one!

I never thought I'd come this far though! !!
Have totally nailed my good day and came in at 1000 cals. ..I seem to be all our nothing right now! Hopefully going some way towards limiting the weekends damage!
Love your before and after shots - what a difference 6 months makes! You look great! Thanks for sharing :)

Wow you look brilliant lovely :) a huge well done

Thanks my aim for the next six months is to keep it off and get super toned. ...hopefully I'll be posting in six months time with some real definition x