Becky's journey to gorgeous confidance - Back to Day 1

Help. Work is very stressful. Boss is a nightmare. Im proper struggling.

Those little 'shall i eat tonight' thoughts are popping in to my head and i dont know how long i can bat them away for before they get fully implanted and then iv decided.

Im just so hungry and stressed
Well i made it to day three.

Was pretty hard to not eat last night. But i just kept thinking, 'what will feel better, eating a pizza tonight, or waking up tomorrow and knowing i kept at it'

Feeling a bit grouchy today, but compared to how down iv felt in the first few days before, its not too bad. Just hanging on till the weekend, cos i know ill feel hunky dorey then.

Hi to anyone thats reading, hope your doing ok,

Lotsa love,
Hi Becky,

I see we are on the same trajectory:D

I have managed two days and I am feeling upbeat...

I have committed myself to five months!

Hope you have a good day and drink your water! It does help, I am off now to have some more.

Love Mini xxx
Hi Mini,

Are you back ss'ing too?

I shall be on this for about 5 months too i expect.

I shall try and drink more water, only managed about a glass so far. It really is the hardest part, especially with the weather being so awful.

Keep up the good work,

Lotsa love,
Hi Becky,

I am doing step 2 '790 kcal plan'.

I know from past experience I have to work myself back into SSing and I am not ready in the head to go that far yet.

Managing fine and sticking with chicken and non starchy veggies and I am allowed 1/2 pint skimmed milk so I can have my tea without feeling guilty:eek:

I have got back out walking and I intend doing this every day.

I leave my water on the kitchen counter top and drink it at room temperature as I find it makes it easier to drink in this cold weather.

Love Mini xxx
Hi Hun sorry not got back on here as its been the twins birthday and i have had a couple of their mates here so they have been just a tad hyper!! but i have been thinking of you and have sent you a few txts hope you got them? keep at it hun and phone me if ya need me hun. keep strong hun:)
Loves ya
Hi Hun,

Nope not got your texts in afraid (just txt you tho)

hope the twins birthday went well, and your ok hun. Miss you. Speak to you soon xxx
Well i made it to day 4, by the skin of my teeth tho!!

Was fighting with my CB the whole of the way through watching Ladys in Lavender (not a great film btw). Was soooo close to ordering pizza, really dont know how i managed to stop myself to be honest. But somehow i did, and now im here again, another day. Really hope it starts to get easier soon, its getting quite tiring battling with not eating every evening
you battled and won hun wtg you,
just off to schhol for will catch up later, phone me if ya need me hun
Todays not been too bad, but i know im really gona struggle tonight. In that iv almost kinda decided im gona eat with out really admiting it.

The reason is (and its stupid really) todays a friday (always a treat day, right?) and both my flatmates will be out. And before when i was eating, this was always reason to order pizza. Cos i can do it and no one will know about it. Last night i really struggled but go through it, partly cos i didnt want anyone to notice i ordered food. But tonight will be a totally different matter. I just know im gona do it, but cant stop myself, pathetic right?

Does anyone have any ideas as to how i can avoid ruining 4 days of ss for a sodding pizza??!!
Hey Becky....remember you will onyl be fooling yourself hun, noone else!! Imagine how great you will feel tomoro when u know u resisted ordering pizza?! And imagine how fantastic you will feel in a few weeks time when ur clothes are hanging off pizza tonight and it wont happen!! The first week of SS is hard, but dont you think that good things dont come easy to anyone?? when u have ur weigh in u will be dlighted you dint give into the evil pizza monster!!
I know, i know your right kazz. But you know when you kinda decide in your head that your gona do it and then its hard to talk yourself out of it, well im there.

I just feel i need the comfort of eating, and i know its sad, but its easier to give in than fight it. I know im pathetic.

Thanks for replying,
your so NOT pathetic hun!! it takes a lot to start a diet like this, a lot to get thru the first couple of days and a lot to stick with it!!

Have you thought about WHY you feel you need the comfort of eating? You need to address the emotions that make you eat so that you can deal with it loneliness cos ur flatmates will be out?
Thanks Kazz.

I dont know why i feel the need for comfort, but i know that its easier to eat than think about it.

I suppose im bored, lonely, and want to feel happy. And im tired of battling. I thought this was gona feel better soon, but i cant see it getting any better.
But it will get better!! Trust me...I'm nearly finished week 7 of CD, and the first while was the hardest....have a read of this thread & see how you feel afterwards

It does get better, it does get easier and it just becomes your life for as long as you need it to be....after 4 days you must be in ketosis so its just the habit of reaching for the food that you need to break....
Like I said, its not easy, but so worthwhile....if you are having doubts, please at least stick with it until your first weigh in and then see how you feel afterwards!!
Thanks Kazz,

you really have helped, more than you know.

I shall try and resist and be strong. Off home now, and i will read that thread tomorrow.

Thanks again, take care,