BeckyT's WW Food Diary

You get the best of both worlds by doing it this way Hun xxx I get what you mean I never do good under pressure to lose!!! X my cousin is getting married next may, and she is having her 2 younger sisters as bridesmaids, one is a size 12 so wants to get to a 8 the other sister phoned me in tears she is a size 24 and wants to say no, she is scared she won't slim down enough to feel comfortable xx ( it does not help my cousin getting married is a size 6!!!!! She has a different mum to the oldest 2) so she has decided to come to ww with me when the baby is born!!! I am slightly worried ww was my thing, I was losing well, now there is pressure going to be there!! Fingers crossed it won't matter xx

I can so relate to that... I tried slimming down for my own wedding and I got to around 10st 6lb and I wanted to be 9st 6lb but the pressure was just too much. That said, it was the best day of my life and I felt amazing and I dont look fat on any of my pics!!

I feel for your sister as it must seem like a momentariness task however it can be done but pressure isnt always the right way

I guess now that I can wonder around in my bikini and not worry what John thinks should actually take the pressure off! I might end up being a stone heavier than this time last year but it's only one stone after all x
Get this ladies... Just checked into my hotel and I was gutted for a few minutes as I thought I'd left my little tub of HL shake at home... And then I found it :D I need to remember that when the kettle chips start calling my name!!!

So today...

B: HL shake + herbal tea

L: HL shake + herbal tea

S: had a packet of ww sweets driving down south. Zilch protein but it was better than stopping at a the service to buy a big bag of sweets ;-)

D: carvery! Turkey and beef with carrots, cauliflower, peas, cabbage oh and stuffing! Probably quite high in carbs but I am trying :D

Day 1 complete!

Think I might start updating my food on a night at least that way I am not setting myself up for a fall!

51 days to my holibobs, doesn't sound very long does it, hmmmm x
Sounds like a fab day!!

What ive been trying to do, if i have something thats not strictly "allowed" then look at the day as a whole and it makes me realise its a damn healthy day by any "normal" persons standard! :)
Sounds like a fab day!!

What ive been trying to do, if i have something thats not strictly "allowed" then look at the day as a whole and it makes me realise its a damn healthy day by any "normal" persons standard! :)

That's a really good idea. The stuffing I had wouldn't have been allowed on HL and I did have a nice chunk but hey, it's not the bad and I used to have it on SW and WW and still lost. At least I don't feel deprived.

Tomorrow will be pretty similar as I plan to have a choccy shake for breakfast and a meal bar for lunch but I know I might have to have a small triangle sandwich or fruit during my 3 hour meeting otherwise people will wonder why I'm not eating as it will be a working lunch. X
That's a really good idea. The stuffing I had wouldn't have been allowed on HL and I did have a nice chunk but hey, it's not the bad and I used to have it on SW and WW and still lost. At least I don't feel deprived.

Tomorrow will be pretty similar as I plan to have a choccy shake for breakfast and a meal bar for lunch but I know I might have to have a small triangle sandwich or fruit during my 3 hour meeting otherwise people will wonder why I'm not eating as it will be a working lunch. X

Becky you dont need to explain yourself gorgeous! You did fab! :)
Ohh do I want to know? I totally forgot to watch but I'll see if I can get it on my phone on the way to work tomorrow.
i wont b buying them as much now not only coz of money but dint like of all the stuff in the ice cream!!!
u can still eat normal stuff!
You'll only end up getting annoyed like the rest of us!!! x

True story. Im livid! Even Dr. J aint making it go away!
I don't think there's any pressure to buy weight watchers products. Even when I went to the meetings they never made you feel like you had to use them. I thought it was a bit out of order x