haha there will be a pic! Me and Tan are meeting up for cocktails so there will be some messy pics the Friday haha x
Funny enough from minis.. 2 years? ago i think when we did CD... we text everyday throughout the day and are so similar its spooky haha, love her to bits - shes my sister from another mister!!
Thanks! It's coming off for once and for all. I will be slim by summer x
I will to! You still doing herbalife?
hiya hun!
good t have u back
Agreedand good to read your posts being very positive! X
Sure am! It's the way forward for me! How are you getting on with S&S? x
I'm easing myself in to start properly Sunday had to wait for packs plus a night out tonight so going to start it 100% Sunday
Well good luck! I have a night out next Wednesday that I am sooooo looking forward to but for once I am not letting it send me off tracks! x
Well having alcohol is off track for this diet so I thought I wld start properly Sunday obviously we need to live but I need to try and adapt around the diet
Wooooo hooooooo! I have just got an external exchange for the weeks that I own so I will have 2 weeks in the sun all to myself, I cant flipping wait! Just what I need right now! As much as i love my MIL and FIL, I just need some thinking time and my own space! x
Nothing better than time to yourself! Its hard stuff to find! Hehe xx