BeckyT's WW Food Diary

I've only had two glasses (half a bottle) of wine however I have had around 8 pretzels and I don't know how many points they are. I am also enjoying a bournville hot choc (1pp) so I think I will just leave me points as they are to be on the safe side x
mmm pretzels i havent had these for years!!

i dint go to aldi yesterday we went t morrisons guna pop there today for the scones!!

SammieAnn87 said:
mmm pretzels i havent had these for years!!

i dint go to aldi yesterday we went t morrisons guna pop there today for the scones!!


It's shame you don't like cherry ones as the M&S ones are far bigger

The pretzel were lovely! The ones we had were plain but I love the sour cream ones!! x
are they? i dnt think i like cherrys... i might have a walk up t junction 27 this week n if i do i will have a look in m&s n see what i think lol
Today's food

B/L: 58g bacon (2pp), ww sausage (1pp), egg (2pp), beans (3pp), mushrooms, roasted tomato, tinned toms, slice toast (1pp) = 9pp

S: Satsumas, banana, jumbo snack a jack (1pp)

D: pork chop (7pp), new potatoes (3pp) babycorn, green beans, sprouts = 10pp

Half a lager 3pp, walkers 5pp

Hot choc (1pp) and a dime bar (4pp)

26/26 dailies
40/49 weeklies

3 miles walked - 7.5m so far
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1 pork chop is 7pp?! Ouch!!
Oh good as long as you enjoyed it hon x
Just had a lovely sleep in and had a nice bowl of porridge :D Going to do a long walk with Alfie shortly (7 or 8 miles). Later I am going to make a lemon drizzle cake after I have been to buy some supplied

B: porridge with scan bran and skimmed milk (7pp)

L: homemade carrot and cauliflower soup, 2 x bread 2pp, grapes and Satsuma

D: chicken Kiev (8pp) mc cain rustic oven chips (5pp), beans (3pp) mushroom and tomato

S: ww rich toffee bar 2pp, hot choc 1pp

26/26 dailies
42/49 weeklies

16.5 miles walked this week (8)
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SammieAnn87 said:
omg how do u make lemon dizzle cake?

I saw it in the recipe section on here, it's the second thread down... I'd post you link but I'm on my phone. It serves 8 and a slice is 3pp and according to people's comments its supposed to be a decent size piece for 3pp.

I need to get a cake tin and whisk first so hopefully I'll do it later... John will love it so I know he will eat more than me!! x
OMG.... I am almost back in my topshop skinny jeans, I could cry! They fasten up, I've just got a small bit of fat at the top which I'd feel paranoid about but it's v small!!!

I can't believe it!!! When I can back from my holibobs in April I was 10st 6lb and there was no way I could have worn them and now I'm 11st and they look good!!!!!!! It must be my walking!!!!! x
yup the inches are coming off yey!!! I'm not in mine yet but things are better fittings x

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sarahloub1 said:
yup the inches are coming off yey!!! I'm not in mine yet but things are better fittings x

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It's a great feeling isn't it!!! I got myself so down about not being able to wear my lovely wardrobe full of clothes and now I am sooooooo much closer to wearing them :D
makes those down days better knowing it's working. I need 2 and a half to my stone and I want it now x

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sarahloub1 said:
makes those down days better knowing it's working. I need 2 and a half to my stone and I want it now x

Sent from my GT-I9300 using MiniMins

Doesn't it just! I can't wait to be able to see 9 stone something on the scales again x