Dales time again today

at least I have the date right this time! There is absolutely no phone signal in the lodge so I doubt I will be able to get online until Monday.
I'm hoping to walk 6 miles before we go as long as its not raining. I'm hoping to do lots of walking whist were away but the hubby never wants to walk as far as I do...
Hoping to go on a cherry scone mission before I go to stock up!!
B chopped strawberries and banana with natural yoghurt (2pp)
L tuna (3pp) boiled egg (2pp) salad with salad cream (1pp)
D: chilli (5pp) salad and a ww pitta (3pp)
Above comes to 16pp which leaves me 10pp for either beer if we go to the pub which I doubt as it will be too late, wine and my scone!