BeckyT's WW Food Diary

That really does look good! Almost convinced me to try SF!

Do it, do it!!! I am actually gutted that I am not getting weighed this week as I want to see how I've done! My meals are very similar to when I did SW and did red days and extra easy. What i really like about it is that I'm not having to eat up all of my point on crisps and chocolate just to make the numbers up. On SF, you eat until you're full, pref from the free list and then you're not bothered about eating rubbish just because you have to use up your points! Then when you do want something extra you just take it out of your weeklies :D
It does sound good. I need to have a look at my plans for the next week but I think I might try it. I need at least one pointed day because James brought sausages back from England... Is lamb on the SF list? And is it weird that my boyfriend basically brought back a suitcase of meat and minirolls?!
I've just had a look for you and no it isn't :-( It would have been free on slimming world.... I guess it's not on the free list as it can be quite fatty. Lamb has to be my most favourite meat mmmmm!

No i would say it was odd!! When we go away in March I plan to take bacon and mince on holiday with me so I guess it's very similar!

How long have you got until you come back to the UK? x
It's mine too. I absolutely love the stuff! I might just try a few SF days this week then. I need to get my sausages and lamb in somehow!

12 more days of work, flying back on the 19th! So looking forward to it.
It's mine too. I absolutely love the stuff! I might just try a few SF days this week then. I need to get my sausages and lamb in somehow!

12 more days of work, flying back on the 19th! So looking forward to it.

Are you back for good or are you just visiting? x
I've just had a look at the SF list for Germany. It's a bit different to the UK one and it actually has lamb on it! Apparently Lammfilet, which is fillet of lamb, is SF!
Not fair!!!! I bet you'll be bringing some back over with you ;-)

I wonder if you could add a tweak if you were sure that there wasn't any fat on it and class it as free?!? x
I think you could tweak it and eat that too. I read somewhere on here that people ate things on SF that were on the US list but not the UK one.
mmmmm! Thanks, i will have a nosey!

John has just called me to see if i wanted anything from Tesco.... Whilst he was on the store he found mince pie cupcakes!! I've asked him to take a pic of the NV's so i can work out how many points they are! They will probably be ridiculous but I can dream! x
Well I am back in the hairdressers :-(

I hate the toner she put in my hair on Saturday and my hair feels really yellow. Plus she hasn't cut my hair properly at the back, it needs chopping into. Serves me right for going with a different hairdresser

Hopefully it will look ok for tomorrow and Thursday x
it will be fine lovely dont worry! and i bought hot cross buns from lidls! ;) but that is one reason i never go to hairdressers lol