BeckyT's WW Food Diary

Got in touch with my distributor this morning to see what the individual prices were of a couple of the products. She asked how yesterday went and I said it went well but I was a bit hungry before I went to bed. I told her that I'd half a small banana to take the edge of and she replied and said it wasn't the best time to eat... No sh!t Sherlock but i was better doing that reaching for chocolate or a huge bag of kettle chips

Anyway, the prices that she gave me for the two products actually work out cheaper on eBay so I might just start buying them from there now I know what to do

I don't think she meant it in a bad way but surely they should be trying to put a positive spin on things rather than making me feel like I've done something wrong

She also told me to drink more water, had already had 4 pints and if I'd of had another pint before going to bed I would have been up and down the the loo even more than what I am already!

Rant over!
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Lol I love that...his miserable wife haha

I'm gonna mail a distributor now and see what the crack is x
Lol I love that...his miserable wife haha

I'm gonna mail a distributor now and see what the crack is x

I can't stand her! I've tried so many times and 6 years down the line I've given up trying! He's lovely and always say to John I wish he'd get a new wife!!!!
haha I'm like that with one of Craig's friends I try so hard and what's worse I work on the same section as her and she ignores me at work but if we ever go round she is overly nice pfft so 2 faced x
Yep she defo should have been more encouraging!!!!!!! You ate 1/2 a banana!!!!!! How did you have the willpower to eat 1/2 a banana??? Hell my banana would prob have been on top of a crumpet xx she would have had a heart attack!!
Ahhhhh miserable women deserve love also!!! Just not with friends so we don't have to make the effort with them!! But other than her have a great night out x
Yep she defo should have been more encouraging!!!!!!! You ate 1/2 a banana!!!!!! How did you have the willpower to eat 1/2 a banana??? Hell my banana would prob have been on top of a crumpet xx she would have had a heart attack!!
Ahhhhh miserable women deserve love also!!! Just not with friends so we don't have to make the effort with them!! But other than her have a great night out x

Throwing half away was easy as it was really yellow and I prefer them when they are still a bit green :D

I'll put up with misery guts tomorrow then hopefully that will be it for another 18 months ;-) x
Haha my banana wud of ben on a crumpet with peanut butter aswell! How can she tell u off!!! She sud b praising u for not havin the kettle crisps!! Sometimes too much water can make u feel hungry cnt it!!

That's good isn't it u have found the products on the internet so does that mean u can buy it all from there and weigh ur self or will u still b going to to them for a monthly WI?
Haha i wud have to act so over the top happy and loud round her she sounds amazin to b around?! Haha
Haha my banana wud of ben on a crumpet with peanut butter aswell! How can she tell u off!!! She sud b praising u for not havin the kettle crisps!! Sometimes too much water can make u feel hungry cnt it!!

That's good isn't it u have found the products on the internet so does that mean u can buy it all from there and weigh ur self or will u still b going to to them for a monthly WI?
Haha i wud have to act so over the top happy and loud round her she sounds amazin to b around?! Haha

I don't think she realised how it came a across.

I've had to so much work on positive language over the years like not saying things like 'you should be able to do it' and 'it might be ok' because you are already suggesting that it won't!
It used to sound daft at the time but I see so much value in it now

We are only going for a curry tomorrow night but I am going to make sure my hair and make up look as good as poss and I am wearing an off the shoulder jumper... Hopefully it will wind her up ;-). I always used try with her before I married John, but now I just don't bother anymore! John sees how she is with me so that's ok! x
Hello my lovely! sorry I have been a little distant (been so busy!) but looks like your doing fab! :D So proud of you :)

Doing my first shift in the bakery tomorrow so I won't be around at all! have a great day 3 tomorrow <3
Lol - friends partners are a funny one aren't they?

I don't get on with many of hubby's - get in well with most of his friends, just not their 'flavour if the month' lol xx
Lol - friends partners are a funny one aren't they?

I don't get on with many of hubby's - get in well with most of his friends, just not their 'flavour if the month' lol xx

Aren't they just! I can't wait to look at her sour face all evening tomorrow... Not!! x
Hello my lovely! sorry I have been a little distant (been so busy!) but looks like your doing fab! :D So proud of you :)

Doing my first shift in the bakery tomorrow so I won't be around at all! have a great day 3 tomorrow <3

Well I'm very trying!

Hope all goes well tomorrow, can't wait to hear about it x
Day 3!

Got such a busy day today as a mini digger will be arriving at anytime so that we can have the foundations done for the extension. Johns friend is doing it as he has his own business so we are going to have to wheelbarrow all the soil and rubble to the skip. We need to fill the skip by midday as the skip is being changed as we will have to fill two this weekend

We are out for a curry tonight. Not going to stress too much about it as I will have burnt god knows how many calories today. Can't wait to spend the evening with misery!

Just about to get up and have my green tea and warn choccy shake

The hardest thing about today will be making sausage sandwiches for the boys. Mind you, I wouldn't have eaten them on ww as they would have been too many points x
I bet you burned a fair few calories today Hun xxx enjoy your curry, you deserve it! And look and be amazing as I am sure that pooh faced woman is jealous of your amazing ness !!! Xx
Well I have worked my little butt off today, I am shattered. I have filled two large skips full rubble and soil. The foundations are now 6ft deep

Today went a little off plan but I will pick it back up on Monday

Misery was wasn't miserable tonight, we couldn't shut her up! It's almost as if she was on drugs lol! I would put money on the fact that next time I see her she won't even bothered to speak and I am not exaggerating
eeee i love that...misery haha i bet you will be achy tomorrow ouch xx
ohhhhh becky im getting a puppy for xmas!!!! im sooooo excited!!! and its from manchester so another trip back down x
ohhhhh becky im getting a puppy for xmas!!!! im sooooo excited!!! and its from manchester so another trip back down x

Yayyyy! I think John secretly wants another one!

I bet you're so excited!!!! No sleep for you over Christmas while the whilst the little one sets in! What breed are you getting?

We got Alfie from Manchester way

Oh and oh my god I ache!!!!!!!!!!! x
were getting a shih Tzu, can pick her up 22nd but I think it might be after. I'm not off before then so won't have time. eeeek x