Step 1 Sole Source Becoming the woman I was always meant to be!

It's official. It's weigh in day. Man the week has gone so fast! I ended up just drinkin lots more water and only had the two packets yesterday and the food from earlier. I confessed to my consultant about my big boo boo. She was kind to me lool. I still feel pumped n ready to kick some butt!!

Night guys. Xx
Week 1 and I'm 7lbs lighter!!! Feel really good x

Food wise. I only had my first shake about 45 mins ago. My appetite has completely gone and I just don't feel like drinking water or anything at the moment. Not too sure why I feel this way and hopefully it shouldn't be for too much longer.
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Brilliant! Well done :) More of the same next week?

Have you let your consultant know about your loss of appetite? You should really keep your water up since your body isn't getting much else. ~Cas x
I fully intend on keeping it up! Can't wait for my weightloss to b in double figures. I love this diet. Yes it's hard work but it's fast and effective :)

Nope I haven't told my consultant how I feel yet. If it continues then ill inform her.
Man. Why is it that when I wanna sleep, sleep just don't wanna come BUT when I need to stay awake I'm super tired?
I've been feeling a bit like that too. The past few nights I have really struggled to get to sleep and then it's been a nightmare getting up for my baby during the night :( ~Cas x
Aww. Poor u! How olds the little one x
Man. Today is just not going well! Nothing to do with the diet. It's just everything else that is going on with my life. #stress

I'm really beginning to like the vanilla shake more and more.
She's 6 months. A great baby, but has an inbuilt alarm of 5.30 most days and it's a battle to get her back down after her feed. She's too nosy! Lol.

Hope you're okay, don't let what's going on around you affect your commitment to the plan. Stay strong and stick to your shakes.

I've not tried Vanilla, I'm not a fan of vanilla so didn't bother to order it. I ate half a boiled egg today, it was strange to chew something! Can't say I enjoyed it tho. I'm planning on having a SS+ meal on Sat night as me and my fiance have a rare night to ourselves. ~Cas x
How can I be around ppl but still feel so alone
@cas. Jeez. I remember those days with our son!! I used to really love concealer back then. Hid my baggy eyes lool.

Yea. It's the only shake I really like. Not too keen on the rest of them. I've had one with cinnamon n another with nutmeg. It's just nice. But if ur not a fan ur not a fan. That sed there's no harm in trying it xx
Ok. So my crazy eatin has made me put on 2lbs... My weigh in is on Tuesday am. Does anything think ill still be able to loss 4/5lbs by then?
Forcing myself to go back on plan today. Still struggling with water but its prolly my mind playing tricks on me. Eatin my maple porridge as I type.
Don't worry about the +2lb that you see just now, you can definitely lose that by Tue. It's my first weigh in today, my CDC is due in half an hour! Will let you know how I get on. Stay strong, you can do this if you want it enough! ~Cas x
Oooh. I'm excited. Expecting a good loss 4 u xx all the best x
-5lb! I'm pleased with that :) Did expect slightly more but it's not disheartened me. More of the same next week would be good! ~Cas x