Thanks! I'm not feeling optimistic as this week I've been tracking a 3lb gain. Blooming hormones, honestly, it's ridiculous. I'm starting to think I've got some sort of disorder.
Anyway, not done the diary for a couple of days so here goes with tuesday:
B: Yogurt, branflakes (hexb), banana, kiwi, melon
L: Speed soup, jacket potato & cottage cheese, satsumas
Snack: shape yogurt, quorn sausage (1)
D: Quorn and veg stirfry with free sweet and sour sauce.
Highlights (2), Oaty bar (hexb)
Didn't fit in a hexa today - I miss my cheese!
B: Shreddies (hexb), yogurt, banana, kiwi, melon
L: Jacket potato, beans, sweetcorn, mushroom, cheese (hexa) Shape yogurt, satsumas
Snack: speed soup
D: Pasta in tomato & basil sauce, mozzarella (hexa). Oaty bar (hexb)
Had my 2 hexa's today to make up for yesterday! Lovely, I'm such a sucker for some cheese. No syns today, didn't really feel the need for anything.