Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!


236 today. Boo.

Trip was great but im very sore today. Edinburgh is one giant hill. Lol. I spilled hot coffee on my laptop so it is drying out but Ive not got much hope.

Hope youre all doing well. Will log on hopefully later or tomorrow to get caught up...provided laptop is ok.

Put it in a bag of rice and leave it for several days. Do not charge it or try to turn it on for at least five days. I'll ask DH when he gets home -- he was a hardware technician back in the day and can still rebuild a laptop (he did friend's so they could back up several years' of photos onto an external hard drive). still comes on. Lol. Hubby took the battery our and its in the bedroom sitting out of the way. I dont have any rice. It wasnt a full cup and it was spilled on the top when the lid was down. So im hoping it will be ok. It was giving me a craptonne of problems before this anyway so im probably going to get a tablet to replace it and forgo having a laptop altogether. :/ its only about 12 -18 months old!! still comes on. Lol. Hubby took the battery our and its in the bedroom sitting out of the way. I dont have any rice. It wasnt a full cup and it was spilled on the top when the lid was down. So im hoping it will be ok. It was giving me a craptonne of problems before this anyway so im probably going to get a tablet to replace it and forgo having a laptop altogether. :/ its only about 12 -18 months old!!

That bites. They should last a lot longer than that.
Laptop is sorted. I feel like bloated-y crap tonight though. ugh. yucky. i think the weekend is finally catching up with me. YUUUUCK.

back tomorrow. :D

Too much Haggis? ;)
Haha. No. Ew. I dunno why i feel so bloated. probably because I havent been drinking enough water.

Anyway. I havent weighed or anything yet this morning. Im going to work on my goals again....from today. 3 packs, plus swede chips and 2 eggs per day, for the rest of the week and see how i get on. We were talking about it last night and the rest of the month is completely clear. We are completely skint now so we wont be going anywhere or doing anything...which is good for my diet and good for our moving fund. lol. Im gonna start going through the flat and sorting out stuff to sell off and start the decluttering in earnest. I might make a selling album on my fb page. Or something. I would love to do a market stall or car boot but this is one of the those times when having no car does kinda suck. lol.
Morning! I think people do pretty well with local selling pages. Could you "share" a boot sale? I had two friends who did one together -- and one of them used her larger car.

I love the way you get right back on plan. Go you! :D
Faaabbbulous idea Mel. Im gonna ask another friend who has a car and had some stuff she was trying to get shot of. Thanks! :D

In other news....Ive found a shelter that will take my fur-boy in. He attacked my ankles last night. :( He is gonna have to go. I cant have him hurting my girls...accidentally or otherwise. This is horrible. What an absolutely agonizing situation for us all. :/ Im feeling a bit sick...
Faaabbbulous idea Mel. Im gonna ask another friend who has a car and had some stuff she was trying to get shot of. Thanks! :D

In other news....Ive found a shelter that will take my fur-boy in. He attacked my ankles last night. :( He is gonna have to go. I cant have him hurting my girls...accidentally or otherwise. This is horrible. What an absolutely agonizing situation for us all. :/ Im feeling a bit sick...

He might be much happier around other cats. I had to place my cat in a shelter when we moved to England nearly 20 years ago -- and I left a donation plus self-addressed stamped postcards. They sent me updates -- he was so friendly and lovely that he became "their" cat. They kept him to be the "acclimating" cat. Whenever they got a new cat -- he was put with them. He helped the new cats adjust because he was so loving. It was purr-fect for him as he'd been grieving the loss of our other cat who had kidney problems and had to be put to sleep.
I cant see lyra being loving or sweet when he gets there. he's very reserved, keeps to himself and has no qualms about showing you when he's mad/distressed/generally unimpressed by the fact that you draw breath - *sigh*

that said, he has never been around other cats. who knows.
Today has been rather problematic so far but ive dealt with it, ok. I found the place that will take Lyra (gut wrenching, but good because everywhere else ive called was full. bittersweet, really) and i have to get him to the vet at 7pm tonight to get a bill of good health from the vet before they will take him. the receptionist there was such a sweetie and listened to me bawl and sob and be all snivelling and snotty. what a star she was. i must thank her for being so lovely and for trying to make me feel better (by telling me that sometimes these things happen and that this is the best option we have etc etc). Then, i went to change zoe's top and found a massive rash on one side. she's fine otherwise but i felt i should take her to get checked out just in case. so i had to get us all ready and get on the bus. we went down to the walk in centre and got her seen. its just a skin irrtation/allergic thing. it should be fine and clear up on its own. he gave me a script for some cream but it is so so cold and it doesnt seem to be bothering her so i left that for now and will have the daddy get it tomorrow if it hasnt cleared up. i figured better that than trawl through the cold to the chemist. got home and fixed them lunch. theyre munching now and she's currently jumping up and down shouting at Peppa on the TV with a huge wodge of grilled cheese sandwich stuffed in her gob. :D hahaha.

But wrist is absolutely KILLING me. I have this problem on and off and its always worse when its cold and damp. So like....often, up here in the NE. haha. ow. I had a brace for it but i cant find it anywhere. :(

anyway. i had 2 dippy eggs and 5 swede chips this morning. and ive just had my first pack - a/c porridge pancakes with extra cinnamon. YUMmY. I had a coffee as well. Im gonna get some more water down and then we shall all be retiring for our afternoon beauty sleep. HA. I still have another porridge pack to have and my chili with the rest of my portion of swede chips for tonight. :D yay!

still feel SUPER bloated. and my jeans are SO tight. bleh.
Hi K,

Have you seen those "infused" waters? There are some designed to "debloat". My friend M drank a lot of peppermint tea and she said it helped.

I think waiting a day and seeing if needs the cream is a good idea anyway. You don't want to overmedicate.

I hope your nap goes well!
No, which waters are they Mel?

I had some peppermint tea but i cant find it in the cupboard. i think hubby mightve chucked it out, not knowing that just because i dont drink it daily or even weekly that i would still actually want it. lol. i might go out and get some. bleh
poor you with the Lyra situation - but you're doing what you need to do, gotta put the kids first and I say that as a crazy cat lady who loves cats more than life itself (but not more than her kids :D )

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx hugs

ok. back to basics today as i havent lost any weight. lol. 236 - still this morning. ARGH. I have also had to take a senokot today.

so packs today and nothing else.

As for lyra...i took him to the vet for his general health check that the shelter required and i got home and just couldnt do it. i cant take him and drop him off somewhere. he is 9 years old - 10 in sept. that, combined with his behavioural one is going to want him. or if they do - they wont keep him. he's not s snuggly cat. he isnt a lapcat. he doesnt really like to be handled and he likes affection on his own terms and in VERY short bursts. no one else is going to know his history. know OUR history. he's part of this family and i just cant boot him out. its because of him that i didnt LEAVE my husband a few months after i got here, because i was so desperately homesick. Lyra is what got me through. I stopped my loneliness. We thought we werent going to be able to have kids....and he WAS our baby. So we owe it to him to try EVERYTHINg we can. That said, we thought over and over and talked and talked about what else we could possibly do. How we could possibly make it work. And Mal said "it would be fine if we could make the baby gate taller, then he wouldnt jump it and he would be confined to the bedroom (where his play tower is) and the kitchen and bathroom (his food/water and box) i got to thinking and just randomly googled "tall baby gate for pets". hahaha and HOLY MOLY they actually make them! They make them with cat flaps in them, even. So we ordered one. that way he can have access to come in and out of the livingroom when he wants but if he starts to get stressed and moody we can lock him back into the back of the flat with his warm, cozy play tower and his food and potty box. im crossing everything, hoping this is going to work. :)

so. today is just 5 packs (817 cals and 74 carbs)..and after a few days i will knock one pack off and just do 4 again. Im hoping to see a 230 by WI on sunday. but the way i feel...who knows. I think it may just be that i need a good clearout. I havent been going very regularly or well lately. Ew.

anyway. im relaxing today. i have to do laundry and have a shower and tidy up the flat (just pick up the toy-covered floor) and going to park my fat butt on the sofa and stay there. all. day. long. lol