Morning. The scales have stayed the same. Again. 219.8
So. Ive been having a look at VLCDs with food...and Atkins...and even, to an extent, paleo.
Im going to give the packs a break for a bit, I think. Im feeling crap lately....very run down. I have those little spells every day - headachey and heart racing and slightly dizzy/light headed. Im also bruising very very easily. I never did before.
So Im thinking I need a proper break. Not a break from I had at christmas....but a break from THIS diet. I need some vegetables...vits and minerals etc.
And Im just getting bored. And with the scales not shifting despite be being uber good for several days now.. Meh.
Im not leaving here..just yet. Im not sure what Im going to do in the end. I think Atkins, but Im not entirely sure. I like how its actual food and how they step you back up onto carbs.
So im going to have egg, spinach, mushroom and cheese scramble for breakfast (or some variation thereof), salad (lettuce, spring onion, cucumber and celery topped with wafer thin chicken slices and 1 packet of those cathedral city cheese cubes...theyre the ones that are for kiddies...perfect size and shape and amount) topped with a tablespoon of hellmanns caesar dressing (.5 carbs!!) or balsamic vinegar for lunch and then for dinner, quorn chicken pieces in either a stir fry with cabbage, cauli, broccoli, bean sprouts, courgette, mushrooms (a diff variety each time) OR cooked, seasoned and with some steamed veggies. that type of thing. i got some morrisons own sugar free jelly for the evenings if i want some. Not strictly allowed BUT I MAKE MY OWN RULES. haha. If i have a problem with losses I will tweak it accordingly. I plugged in 3 different typical days and every time its come out perfect at under 1000 cals and around 35g carbs. TOPS. So thats that. I will have a try with this for 2 weeks and see how I get on.
I have about 10 days of packs in the cupboard...just in case.
I still have weight to lose...and I refuse to stop now. I have come SO SO far. But I really need a change. And I need some friggin energy! lol. And food. Food is nice. So if this works..I will do this for a couple of weeks...if after a couple of weeks its not working I will try to give the proper phase 1 (induction) a go....more cals etc. If that works...then i will follow it until i get to about 15lbs away from goal. Then I will start on phase 2. Im hoping that doing what Im doing now I will still see losses. I guess we shall find out.