hahaha!! yes. the running dot!
cake is gone! and soup is made and smells lovely. going to have some in a bit. have had a babybel so far. (and the bite of cake).
M at work. And its payday. Woo. Still not bothered though. lolol.
So T keeps asking for a kitten. She was most sad that Lyra chose America over her (us)...but eventually she understood. Still, she "wants a pet". I suggested a fish. M doesnt like fish (theyre pointless and stink). Then we saw some cute musk turtles. I suggested those. Great starter breed of aquatic turtles. The whole kit (tank and everything plus 2 turtles) is £200. M says, they stink (well...he's right in this instance...they are also known as "stinkpot" turtles. lol) and thats expensive and they live for AGES. All true. So, ok. But T still wants a pet. So i suggested a budgie. M says theyre too loud and its awful keeping a bird in a cage. Ok. fair enough. BUT T STILL WANTS A PET. So we go full circle and start considering a kitten. But then I say (which is totally true) that if we are going to have a kitten, we need to get 2 because the will fight over the poor thing if we only have one and also, it will be good for the cats to have each other to take out aggression on and play with and to remind them that theyre cats. Lyra was an only furchild and he seemed to not get that he was a cat. hence part of his aggression, i think. He was just playing with us and acting towards us the way cats do amongst themselves. Anyway. So I said we should get 2 together and M says "No..then its 2 lots of everything. and we dont have enough space." Really? Enough space? for CATS? Like..I did mean normal domestic house cats...you know...not TIGERS ffs. Everything I say, is met with a "no, because...." always no. Im always wrong. So whatever.
Then, because he thinks Im sulking (im not.) he starts asking/hinting about possibly getting 2 kittens...and that maybe im right. he thinks that he if "gives me my way" then he is off the hook. trouble is..the issue is not that i "dont get my way". its that he is an absolute pr!ck about things, needlessly. lol. but he misses that completely. lol
anyway. im off to have soup and try not to shove bunch of crap in my gob to make me feel better. because i wont feel better later. i will jsut feel worse.