Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

Ok. Ive made a small pot....what are they called....the milk one? yeah...tiny.....of soup. Its literally just quorn chicken pieces, a handful of frozen peas and 1 medium carrot, sliced up. Some knorr stock powder, garlic powder a squirt of tomato paste and a healthy dose of hot sauce. I also squeezed some lemon into it (this is very common in mexico....although usually they use lime...which i do prefer but didnt have in!). This sore throat will be banished BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE. Its absolutely glorious out today and we are stuck inside! I also plied T with some clementines (she wont even look at soups).


So ive had that for lunch and dropped a pack. And as soon as Z is done with her lunch, we are going to lay down. We all need a nap but T has requested to stay up. I will make her lay on the sofa and watch telly (although, she is absolutely fine....seems totally normal...but her nose alternates between being sniffy and sneezy and being bunged up). Its meant to be nice the rest of the week and I WANT GO DO SOMETHING!! lol other news...

We ordered a Friends & Family railcard and it arrived today. WOOHOO!
haha my work ethic is <0 today it's sunny outside and my collague got to play with baby duckies at a farm at the weekend and I want to go and do that! *googles 'jobs as a baby ducky-sitter'*

L just text me from my sisters to say my niece and nephew were so naughty at bed time last night that they're not allowed an ice cream today but her and my sister still are :cry:awwwww!! Apparently they're being little 'b's atm, they're 4 and 3 and my niece especially has a reall badass attitude (I love it haha - and it's just like my sister was when we were little, I was the squaresville one at that age)

OMG there is this pigeon nest outside our window at work and last year we got to watch the babies etc - after I left work yesterday a crow went in and stole an egg and then was strutting around with it in its mouth. I always miss the cool stuff!! But then today apparently the pigeon was pulling bits of broken egg out the nest so another one must have got smashed/died or something :(

And my new cat bought in his first mouse yesterday and was throwing it around the dining room. We couldn't get it off him and he ran out the cat flap with it :rolleyes: killing season has started. Luckily my other boy cat only catches leaves, he's so stoopid I love him forever

Are your kitties completely better tummy wise now?
hahah omg *gag* we had one fur girlie that used to bring us birds. like...bigger than her head. and she would leave them on the front step. a few times (when she didnt actually kill them) the poor half dead things would frantically fling themselves into the house...that was horrible. lol. trying to catch a terrified, wounded bird. ew ew ew. thing is...she had a bell on her collar. she was just SUCH a badass. The funniest bit is that she was dainty, long haired and snowy-white with MASSIVE blue eyes. Gorgeous. But deadly. And SUCH a b!tch. Awww....loved my Mia.

Ive had a bit of a crap day with this flamin sore throat. Im such a whinger but really. WE WERE JUST SICK. I cant wait to get a car *blames illness on filthy stinky buses*. lol. Ive had a pack this morning and an egg....the soup...and just had another my clem. I dont feel hungry really...but im making sure im not going too long without having something try to keep myself from going all funny. I just had my 2nd coffee but i might have some buttermint tea. Might help my throat too *eyeroll*. Oh...HAHAHA. Ive never looked up or read anything on the driving theory test. But I decided to take the fake test on the dvla website. HAHAHA FAIL. But...not as terribly as I expected. I got 37 right out of 50. I think it said you have to get 43 to pass. Im not too far off...and thats without any studying at all. Im going to get the book, I suppose...but my god its a brick, innit? Big, fat, boring, thick, heavy thing. hahah. Meh.

Oh no. Inner ear is starting to throb. *cry*

I want to be a baby duck-sitter too. But not touch their poo or anything. Eww. Haha Im a proper prissy thing. I cant touch yucky things. ;P Like..I hate feeding animals at petting zoos. Oh heavens....nowt worse. *shudder* :rolleyes: Im such a city girl. lol

I just had spag bol (sns) and some frozen broccoli and cauli. nice and full. I also just registered the change of address with the DVLA and it says I should have the replacement licence in approx 2 that leaves plenty of time until I start lessons.

How has everyone been today?!
:( boo to sickness :( :(

I've had an ok day stats are good but not best food choices and I'm hungry now.

Ah yeah theory study is SO BORING! But that's a great score for a first try you should walk it with a little study! !

I love cats that look cute but are really badass I can't help but be impressed when they do a good kill. I just wish they'd blooming eat it too though

When I was just cleaning the carpet I found a dessicated frog right in the corner where we'd pulled the guitars out lol must have been there a year! Skanky caaah I am!

Omggggggggggggggggg. My throat, you guyyyyysssss. Its shifted over to the right side. My ear feels a bit stuffy too. Its definitely an infection because I coughed up yuck. I wont even go into details. Poor Clin couldnt take it. HAHAH! <3

Anyway. Im hoping that, best case scenario (and what has happened when ive had this before), it shifts to the other side later today or tonight and is gone by tomorrow evening. Poor Zoe woke up in the night, just like I had the night before Im pretty sure she has the same thing. She was a little sniffy in the night too...poor baby. She's happy enough right now...jumping around and playing.

Just boiled my eggs. Had a coffee and a babybel light this morning. I might do my soup again today. Dont think it actually helped my throat but it did comfort me and make me feel better. And it did feel nice going down. lol. We'll see. Chili and swede tonight. I dont have many savoury packs left and Im not sure if I will order any. I seem to be doing well with having my savoury packs in the evenings. Who knows.

I need to start thinking about Zoe's cake, too. No idea what to do for her. Hmm. Ive got just over 3 weeks. Im thinking I might actually just do cupcakes. You can freeze them (unfrosted obvs), cant you? If so, how would you thaw them? Just leave them out for a bit? Hmm...
Your poor throat. Have you tried tyrozets? They are fab but I have a tendency to eat therm like sweets :)

Love the people arguing on the comments below that article. I will say right now I only want to lose weight to look better but when I was at my highest it was definitely starting to affect my health and mobility. At the moment I'm the picture of health! (Just don't ask me to walk up a hill! !) My cardio fitness is poor but only because I don't exercise I don't think it's because I'm overweight (Ok ok obese. ..)

How's Z?
yeah....i have mixed feelings about what that article suggests. Its a bit vague on levels or extent of the overweight-ness (or whatever). What is acceptable? What is "healthier" (according to the author and these "studies").? Because I can absolutely tell you that when I was 28+ stone...I wasnt healthy and it wasnt just because I was unfit. But I do agree on the fact that most people want to lose weight to LOOK better. And thats fine. But we also have to ask ourselves WHY? Why do we consider a thinner body as "looking better"...and of course she touches on that and is, imo, spot on. Basically..when i was at 214 (my lowest on vlcd) I would have been happy to lost another stone and be done....just maintain from there. In fact..I would have been happy to just maintain at 214. I felt great. I really did. I still struggled to find clothes though....still had to go to the "plus size" shops of sections of shops.


Zoe just sneezed.....and wiped SO MUCH SNOT on my arm. Like shamelessly wiped it on me. While looking at me. omg. Gross. haha. I love my kids. BUT THATS DISGUSTING. All cleaned up now....continuing ....


So...I dunno. I definitely feel like I am trying to lose weight, to look better and not struggle so much to find clothes that are made well and fit well....but also absolutely to feel better and for health reasons. My hips...oh man. They have been aching again at this higher weight. I dont want that! Im tired of it. I want to feel my age...and I want to be able to keep up with my kids. And this weight...none of that is true. That said...Im not going to try to get down to a specific number/weight just to fit into what is "acceptable" or "suggested" or deemed "the correct size". BMI is the devil! lol.

anyway....end rant!

I may be imagining it but I think my throat isnt AS sore as it was....but only a tiny bit less. Zoe is a snotty beak, bless her. She's been a bit grumpy all day. She's also just thrown the remote down the back of the sofa. And when I told her off she started crying and howling...and then hit me (she has hitting issues...getting better, but still. argh! weird, esp since we dont hit in our house. my kids dont get spanked) and then she shoved a bit of post (nearest thing to her) down too. Just lashing out. Im about to go in the bedroom and hide before i throttle her. hahaha. *pictures homer with his hands around bart's neck and bart's choke face* hahahhaa.

Ive decided to just bark like a dog to diffuse the situation and distract her from her tantrum. It has worked. *supermom* haha. :rolleyes:

hAHAHA Louie just went into the cat box and Tabs said "Oh no. Louie is making a sand castle again. Out of poopie." The first time he decided it was fun to play in the litter tray, I said to her that he was playing "building sand castles". hahaha. Silly kids.

How is everyone getting on?
I think it makes sense. I know for me that a bmi of 27 or so is probably optimum. I feel much different then. Anything less just isn't sustainable - actually 35bmi isn't seeming too sustainable atm

Hope you feel better soon - sounds yukky. Ear pain makes me feel about 5 again.

With the cupcakes you can definitely freeze and they will thaw quickly. I know- I spent the hot summer of 1975 revising in the garage as it was the coolest place. There are even some cakes you can eat straight from the freezer!!!
Ugh. I had a big chunk of Smarties egg. :( I dont even know why really. I just WANTED SOME.

Then I had a coffee...and just having my tea now....swede and chili. Will drop my last 2 packs (only had a pancake pack for breakfast...then had the soup for lunch and the chili for tea) it shouldnt be too bad. meh. I might weigh tomorrow...just to stop myself having anything else naughty. I will see how i feel tomorrow morning. if Im struggling to keep a hold on it...I will hop on the scales and DEPRESS MYSELF BACK ONTO THE WAGON PROPERLY.

What a life, eh? *sigh*
We just went out back and planted 2 pots of flowers and a pot of strawberries. Fingers crossed they'll actually grow!!

Hubby brought me sugar free cherry halls. Niiice. lol.

I really need to finish my water....1 pint left to go. And then Im going to have some Coke Zero as a treat. I also have my 2 boiled eggs for later since Ive dropped 2 packs.