......gettin' it done.
Ok. Ive made a small pot....what are they called....the milk one? yeah...tiny.....of soup. Its literally just quorn chicken pieces, a handful of frozen peas and 1 medium carrot, sliced up. Some knorr stock powder, garlic powder a squirt of tomato paste and a healthy dose of hot sauce. I also squeezed some lemon into it (this is very common in mexico....although usually they use lime...which i do prefer but didnt have in!). This sore throat will be banished BY ANY MEANS POSSIBLE. Its absolutely glorious out today and we are stuck inside! I also plied T with some clementines (she wont even look at soups).
So ive had that for lunch and dropped a pack. And as soon as Z is done with her lunch, we are going to lay down. We all need a nap but T has requested to stay up. I will make her lay on the sofa and watch telly (although, she is absolutely fine....seems totally normal...but her nose alternates between being sniffy and sneezy and being bunged up). Its meant to be nice the rest of the week and I WANT GO DO SOMETHING!! lol other news...
We ordered a Friends & Family railcard and it arrived today. WOOHOO!
So ive had that for lunch and dropped a pack. And as soon as Z is done with her lunch, we are going to lay down. We all need a nap but T has requested to stay up. I will make her lay on the sofa and watch telly (although, she is absolutely fine....seems totally normal...but her nose alternates between being sniffy and sneezy and being bunged up). Its meant to be nice the rest of the week and I WANT GO DO SOMETHING!! lol other news...
We ordered a Friends & Family railcard and it arrived today. WOOHOO!