Beelishy's VLCD Weight Loss Adventure!!

I'm wondering if they thought you cancelled because you didn't want to see them because you ended up going anyway. But honestly who knows the inner workings of the rather nuts female mind! I wouldn't fret luv, you did nothing wrong x

So day 1 of your new plan today? I'm curious what the pancakes look like!

Todays the dayyyyyy! 254.0 - which, again, has made me feel relieved that it hasnt gone over the 255 it was when i got back from Vegas. Phew. Its funny how we put so much weight (no pun intended!) and importance and meaning on stupid things like the number on the scales. But we do! So...TOTM is creeping in. Was spotting a tiny bit last night and a teeny bit this morning. Pancake day, pancake day. EVERYDAY IS PANCAKE DAY! hahahaha

Blondcat - they pretty much just look like pancakes! but i will snap a pic when i make mine later on and upload it for ya :) x Ive attached a pic (i think!) but its pancakes made with a porridge sachet as opposed to the actual pancake ones which are a bit different :D

I will try to talk to M. They must have been talking about Costco on Sunday because M posted a pic of a leaflet she got from them and tagged the girls from the meetup and said something about them all going. She RARELY posts photos at all. And she knows Costco is one of my fave places to go (haha im so sad!) and I cant ever get there because I dont have a membership nor a car to get there or get anything i might purchase there back home. Its a running topic between us...every few months. So it very much seems like an intentional "We're going and Ive not tagged you so you arent invited" type thing as theyve planned it all out in a thread under the pic. Her feelings were hurt. I get that. I also get that she is, apparently, annoyed that I went to a meetup this time LAST YEAR without her. SHE WAS IN AMERICA. But after they changed the location for sunday, they chose an italian place that i loved the last time we went. She messaged saturday and said she hoped they didnt settle on that place for sunday because she didnt really care for it. i told her what i had last time i went and that it was lovely. she said she would order that. and i said i was sad to not be going to which she answered "well you went without me ;) " - erm. ok?! I had to think what she was talking about because it wasnt to this place and the only time I have been to this place, she went too. So i finally worked out she meant that i went a A MEET UP without her. Which, I didnt know I wasnt allowed to (lol) and she has coffee with some of the ladies in durham quite often without me. SO WHAT?! I didnt realize we were conjoined. lol. Anyway. B was the only one considerate enough to message me and ask me on saturday how i was feeling. No one else did. They didnt say at any point, well we've changed where/when but its only thursday now so if you do feel better just let us know..blah blah. B messaged me a few times over the time we were sick and asked if we needed anything etc. I dont expect people to fall over themselves to please me and i dont expect to be invited everywhere all the time. Not at all. I actually would rather not because I feel awkward lol...but at the same time...please, I dont want to make a big thing of it. i cant believe the pettiness of women but there ya go. I will have to make sure everyones feelings are in order and everyone understands what exactly happened. i hate feeling like i have to explain myself. Really annoys me and sends me further away from other people. im not a natural socializer anyway...and its partly because i hate being misunderstood, judged and made to apologize and/or explain myself all the time. But ok. I will sort this out. And then probably not bother with anymore meet ups. Too much hard work. :)

Louie seems like he can see a fly but I CANT SEE IT. omg. Cats are hilarious. (or Im blind. more likely!)

Right. I need to feed the boy before he goes to work. and figure out what T is in a strop about NOW. It seems never-ending lately. I know shes been ill and still isnt back to normal but good grief!


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I like the look of those! I might get some of the pancakes for low cal low carb option. I have some Waldon farms maple syrup which is zero cal zero carb and all my friends say it tastes just like the real deal. Could be a good option.

How do you cook them?
L has been a bit off colour and went into school crying today because her new dress feels funny when she puts her arms up.

She had to go to bed without story the other night because she was being absolutely ridiculous and slamming doors etc. ..I think they're having the same attitude issues! !! Aw only another 10 years of this (for me. ... more for you Lollerskates!)
Ugh. Its ridiculous this attitude Im getting from her. lol.

So today has been glorious out and I decided that since my exante delivery came so early, we would go to asda on the bus and take back the rain mac, right? Except I had to go to the bank again (ugh) and then I decided that since we have a very small asda in our town, i would try to see if i could return it there before spending money on bus fares...and all the time on the bus...etc. I did NOT have high hopes that they would because theyre useless and hopeless in that shop, generally. But woohoo! They took it back. So it saved me money and time and i was very pleased. That said, I had already told the girls we were going to asda so would be out for the day and T was NOT having it when I said we didnt have to go to the big asda anyway. I then had a brainwave.....decided to take the girls for chips and then walk along to the park and they could eat them in the park and then play a bit. It was suitably sunny so we did that. Got to the park and took jackets off even! lol. They ate and then played for a bit and then we walked through the park. Its quite a big park and we walked LOADS TODAY.

Just got in a bit ago and my feet are aching (didnt wear very good walking shoes. ugh) and TOTM has started! RAWR! But Z is fast asleep in her buggy (left her in it, in the hall. hahaha I am NOT going to disturb her nor make my life harder by waking her up. she's fine!! hahaha) and T had a nice time and got some fresh air. So I think it was a good day.

Am exhausted now though. Really fancied a nap myself but cant now because Z decided to just have one without me. Selfish!! hahaha. ;P Now I need to go check on T. She's been in the bathroom for aaages. Which is usually a bad sign. Either she's had an accident and wet her knickers or she's had a poo and needs help.

Oh joy.
hahaha my niece and nephew disappear off to the toilet quietly and get up to mischief :D :D

Sounds like a lovely day and nice to see some sun up there! It's well sunny here and really hot outside but in my dining room it's cold as we're north facing...which in the summer when I'm too hot is great but today I'm a bit chilly, especially as L and her friend are in and out and have left the door open. They've just been in swimming costumes in the garden throwing water on each other (they're in now as it wasn't quite as hot as they thought it was). They wanted to do pressure washing but I was like NO!!!! Her foot is only just scabbing up from last week!!

Park is a genius going out for free idea :D and they love it!

Tell Z she needs to check herself, with her solo snoozing selfishness ;) ;)

Ooh I'd love a snooze while someone pushes me in a buggy on a warm day after I've had chips - what a life!!

Oh man. TOTM is so heavy. Thankfully not unbearably painful though (yet. maybe i will get lucky this month since it was so awful the last 2 months!) hoping. lol

Was feeling incredibly big and bloated this morning when i woke up so had a peek because i was SURE i had gone up. nope. bodies are SO WEIRD. i feel so bloated and horrible. and of course its a lovely day and i feel yuck and T is still sinus-y and im waiting for a delivery. its still quite early though so might decide to get the girls out a bit later.

Just did some spanish flash cards with T. need to do laundry today including bedding. Its overdue. bleh. And clean bathroom (ew) and give girls a bath. We shall see how much of that i actually manage today. lol.
food for today as Im still using up "stuff" i have in:

2x pancakes
3x boiled eggs
1x babybel light
1 x quorn escalope (with a bit of broccoli)
1 x muller light greek style

982/72 - fine.

had the babybel already. going to have a pack in a bit. then eggs at lunch time with half of my 2nd pack and then the rest of the pack around 3 with a coffee (when i get ravenous) and then quorn/broccoli for dinner and yog as a treat before bed around 7.30 - done!
Well done you're doing great! !! Xxx back on that ol' horse

I'll join you tomorrow when my essay is submitted I'm too stressed to diet today! !!

I'm half working and half thinking about school work and half on my phone. .. that's too many halves ;) ;)
haha i was gonna not so good at math(s) but that seems like too many halves!!

Yes, sort your junx out and THEN worry about the diet. Makes total sense. :)

In theory Im doing great. But i really could murder a cornetto and a whole bag of doritos with home made salsa. Just sayin....

Luckily i have neither of those in the house nor the desire or spare funds to get them. Im good. hahaha.

I do have to go out at some point though because now that Tabby is sleeping in her own bed (most nights...been back in with us a few times last week because she was so ill, bless her)...we need some pillows. And I have to get a few other bits and pieces. But will not ...repeat...WILL NOT...get a single cornetto ..or anything else that is for eating and not for the children ( I have to get some fruit for them!). So yes.

Im ok really though. I wish this TOTM would go away!
just had a couple of boiled eggs and the rest of a red pepper (raw) that i had left over from last night. waste not, want not! lol. was actually really filling. so still have my pack and will have that around 3pm. going to take Z for a nap. T says she wants one too but im not sure. lol.

Gorgeous out...all windows are open and laundry is washing and it smells lovely. haha. I really hope the weather stays. Would like to do something fun as a famiily when M is off at the weekend. And we have a massive Home Ed meetup on Monday at the Tynemouth priory. Kinda excited about that too as all 4 of us are going. :D

Cramps are pretty hurty now. Gonna pop a few ibuprofen and then put the sheets on the bed and ZzzZZz. Its a hard life, I know. (still gonna whinge that i wish we could have a holiday, though. lolz)
I've had more ibuprofen too I was starting to lose the will to live at my desk.

Oh clean washing and fresh air. .. you cannot beat it! ! If they made it into a perfume I'd buy a million bottles!

Well done on the food you're doing great! Hope you get a snooze! !
Ugh. ok. So i didnt actually sleep and neither did T. But Z did and that is the important bit as she becomes a hellbeast if she doesnt get a nap. she has now found the (very long) twig that T found at the park yesterday and is poking me with it. Im going to have to set it free out the window and risk a tantrum or just accept the fact that im probably going to lose an eye. *sigh* i will for with option 1 (and some ear plugs!)

food has been spot on. just had my pancakes. so quorn and broccoli for dinner and then a yog for "puddin!" hahaha. then thats me done. :)

and you whore mones can get knotted too ;)

I've done another 100 words. .. This is my essay live feed. .. seriously the BBC should do an up to the minute report on it like the pistorius trial ;)
lollerskates! one-word-at-a-time updates! like....OOh! We've got an "and.."!! Oh! And now a "therefore" ....and then like a word countdown.

:p xx

just stuffed face with quorn escalope and broccoli. didnt touch the sides, seriously. full now but cramps are back. boooo.
Ugh. Its 4:22 am and Im up. With Zoe. *sob*

Food was fine.

Throat hurt more and more as the evening wore on.

Went to bed at 9:45ish and obnoxious noisy neighbour blasted his TV and/or music until about 11:30 so i finally fell asleep around 11:45

Had very broken sleep (due to the excruciating pain in my throat. every. time. i. swallow. i. want. to. CRY) until 3am when Z became restless. So I was desp for the loo anyway so decided to just get up with Z at around 3:30

Then it was now.

Exhausted. In absolute agony. And Z is awake (although showing some signs of tiredness again).

Going to let her watch this last episode of peppa and then head to bed again.