Todays the dayyyyyy! 254.0 - which, again, has made me feel relieved that it hasnt gone over the 255 it was when i got back from Vegas. Phew. Its funny how we put so much weight (no pun intended!) and importance and meaning on stupid things like the number on the scales. But we do! So...TOTM is creeping in. Was spotting a tiny bit last night and a teeny bit this morning. Pancake day, pancake day. EVERYDAY IS PANCAKE DAY! hahahaha
Blondcat - they pretty much just look like pancakes! but i will snap a pic when i make mine later on and upload it for ya

x Ive attached a pic (i think!) but its pancakes made with a porridge sachet as opposed to the actual pancake ones which are a bit different
I will try to talk to M. They must have been talking about Costco on Sunday because M posted a pic of a leaflet she got from them and tagged the girls from the meetup and said something about them all going. She RARELY posts photos at all. And she knows Costco is one of my fave places to go (haha im so sad!) and I cant ever get there because I dont have a membership nor a car to get there or get anything i might purchase there back home. Its a running topic between us...every few months. So it very much seems like an intentional "We're going and Ive not tagged you so you arent invited" type thing as theyve planned it all out in a thread under the pic. Her feelings were hurt. I get that. I also get that she is, apparently, annoyed that I went to a meetup this time LAST YEAR without her. SHE WAS IN AMERICA. But after they changed the location for sunday, they chose an italian place that i loved the last time we went. She messaged saturday and said she hoped they didnt settle on that place for sunday because she didnt really care for it. i told her what i had last time i went and that it was lovely. she said she would order that. and i said i was sad to not be going to which she answered "well you went without me

" - erm. ok?! I had to think what she was talking about because it wasnt to this place and the only time I have been to this place, she went too. So i finally worked out she meant that i went a A MEET UP without her. Which, I didnt know I wasnt allowed to (lol) and she has coffee with some of the ladies in durham quite often without me. SO WHAT?! I didnt realize we were conjoined. lol. Anyway. B was the only one considerate enough to message me and ask me on saturday how i was feeling. No one else did. They didnt say at any point, well we've changed where/when but its only thursday now so if you do feel better just let us know..blah blah. B messaged me a few times over the time we were sick and asked if we needed anything etc. I dont expect people to fall over themselves to please me and i dont expect to be invited everywhere all the time. Not at all. I actually would rather not because I feel awkward lol...but at the same time...please, I dont want to make a big thing of it. i cant believe the pettiness of women but there ya go. I will have to make sure everyones feelings are in order and everyone understands what exactly happened. i hate feeling like i have to explain myself. Really annoys me and sends me further away from other people. im not a natural socializer anyway...and its partly because i hate being misunderstood, judged and made to apologize and/or explain myself all the time. But ok. I will sort this out. And then probably not bother with anymore meet ups. Too much hard work.
Louie seems like he can see a fly but I CANT SEE IT. omg. Cats are hilarious. (or Im blind. more likely!)
Right. I need to feed the boy before he goes to work. and figure out what T is in a strop about NOW. It seems never-ending lately. I know shes been ill and still isnt back to normal but good grief!