Weekend - diet FAIL. And we over-spent on silly crap we didnt need (not food crap..just STUFF....for the girls, for the trip, for the house). So double fail! lol a weekend of total over-indulgence.
And since we have spent that, we've looked at the money situation and im pretty much knackered for next week's packs. No money! hahaha. BOOO!!! So Im going to finish the packs I have and then go to the cabbage soup diet (ish...vegetarian version) until we go away because its cheap. its healthy (ish). its something i can stick to for a week or so before we go. Its not anything that I would try to do long term...its not meant for that. No, i will go back to SnS when we get home (money permitting) to get the bulk of whatever I gain on holiday off....and see how I feel then. I may just switch to low carb and re-start my workouts.
Actually, now Ive thought of it...Im wondering if i shouldnt save my packs for when we DO get back and just do cabbage soup until we go. Im going to REALY want/need them then. I really want them now too but I was looking at my pics of fb of the last time i was home. The last time I was home was 2010 and I felt thinner, and i was thinner, than the time I had been home previous to that - in 2006. I felt great last time I was home and I was easily a stone heavier than I am now!!! So I think hubby is probably right. I WONT need a belt extender. And I am MUCH thinner than I was the last time i was home....and about 2 stone lighter than the last time my mother saw me. of course i dont want to gain anything before we go though...hence the cabbage soup.
Hahah. Just thinking out loud here.
Anyway. Im going to take today to decide which way to proceed starting tomorrow. Im not going to continue my hog-wild ways of the weekend (Sun/Mon) today...but I do need to think about what to do and which way to work it. lol. Hmm.
We got the house tidy and clean enough that we werent embarrassed to have company. thats always a good feeling. lol. and my SILs visit was really nice. Tabby kept giving her kisses on the sly. it was so cute. and she was jumping around and showing off her skills as a prima ballerina and as a brave knight princess (yes, thats all one thing in tabbys world lol) and her art skills in the new colouring book that SIL brought her. It was sooo cutel SIL hasnt been to see them in the best part of a year and Tabby has come on sooo much in that time...SIL was surprised (pleasantly) and just loved it. They werent here long, but they spoilt BOTH the girls rotten. Only thing is, she keeps getting things for Tabby (clothes) in size 7/8 years (Tabs is 3!!! lol) and stuff for zoe in size 2/3 years!! She'll be 1 on saturday! haha Im going to have to tell her to get some glasses or contacts!! lol Bless her. She's probably the ONLY one that makes ANY effort to see the girls and does it because she WANTS to and because she has a genuine interest in them. It was nice, anyway.

MIL apparently ....well. I dunno. that situation seems to be still very confusing to all involved, no one can get a straight answer from the doctors and nurses and its just a mess. We were told that they thought she'd be home by the coming weekend....but not..maybe not. Who knows!?
Anyway. Im going to go and try to figure out a plan of action for the next 13 days.