Yep. I know who they are. Its like Locks of Love in the statesx I was gonna do that but I dont think its long enough now.
I havent weighed in a couple of days.and WI in Sunday anyway. So since its friday i will probably just leave it til then, now.
Im going to make the cupcakes/muffins again this morning. Those will last me through til the afternoon and then i'll have spag bol and salad for dinner and a bar for a snack tonight. easy, peasy.
I did a 10 min yoga thing off youtube yesterday and my shoulders and arms are so sore. lol. Im off to try it again.
Because I tend to go off plan if i have to change it up too much. lol. I did the yoga again this morning. its just 10 mins and great. love it. i could tell that it was a teeeeny tiny bit easier today.
this is the one im doing Beginner Strengthening Flow | The Yoga Solution With Tara Stiles - YouTube
Im SO out of shape that just getting into the positions at all (downward dog and plank in particular) are REALLY tough for just getting into them is good enough for now. I will work on form once I can actually get myself into the positions with relative ease. Im not supple at all anymore. I have a full length mirror hanging on the door in front of where i work out but i dont dare look at it until I can do it with a bit more ease, i might put myself off with how ridiculous i look. lol
No plans today.
Yoga done. Cupcakes made and cooling in the fridge. Highchair cleaned thoroughly.
I was scrubbing a casserole dish and I somehow managed to slosh a big ball of suds into my right eye. HOW?! Only me, I swear! LOL. It burned for a bit and I flushed it out with water. Im still pretty impressed that I could get myself in the eye like that with such precision. Crazy.
Just done your yoga workout - phew! It's the plank that kills me I did it for about 2 secondsLayla loved it she's now doing another workout from the same lady! I'm watching from the sofa - we've already been swimming this afternoon
You're so sweet with his fave dinnersounds AMAZE I love lamb