last day at work.............
here we are just starting the last day at work before the wedding!
Got a couple of other childminders round this am...doing playdough, coffee and general chit chat

, then its off to our childminding group this afternoon, school pick up with a couple of other kids, then baby sitting tonight and then thats it....I am a free woman for 6 days!!!.......well apart from my kids and Vic!!lol
Vic went to stay at my mums last night as they are going off to the florist whole salers today to buy lillies etc for the wedding(flowers that need a few days to open up) then mum and sis will buy all the others on the way up on fri am.
Going to have a very free and if you like disorganised type reflex my personality

.......I didnt want a very fixed, formal one. So I am having lillies(my fav flowers ever!) lizzy anthus, in liliac, white roses(for yorkshire,((you know, the battle of the roses thing, the white rose of york and the red rose of lancashire etc

)) which is where vic is its a rememberance thing for his dad) and some bear grass or eycalyptus leaves for the greenery.All hand tied with ribbon.
The wedding party are having white roses as button holes and the rest are having white carnations and then mum and MIL are having an orchid corsage(mum is very clever and making all of the above!!)
My sis and niece are having a small bunch of lilac tulips and white fresiers(SP??) as thier bouquet and the little ones have a small basket each with daisy type flowers!!
I am really looking forward to seeing the cake that mum has done, I gave her some ideas of what we wanted...but left the actual desigh up to her. Again really looking forward to seeing the room that vics sis is organising...just going to be lovely to walk in and be suprised by it all!!
BUT not long to wait now......
got on scales this am and they show down a tiny bit on last week but not alot...but still I have another 2 days before wi....
Anyway must get on with the day.....drinking coffee all morning is going to be really stressful!!!

hugs to all Lou XX
ps thanks for all your words of good luck and encouragement for sat!