Well just wanted to post my before pics which were taken in January and my during pics which were taken today.
At the start of the year I went on the p90x regime and got to about day 60 then I fell ill with tonsillitis and had to get my tonsils out 4 weeks ago, so I am kind of posting this as inspiration for myself as I have hit a huge brick wall! and finding it difficult with getting back on the exercise and diet wagon since recovering from my operation....
In my before picture I am around 17 stone I think I hadn't weighed myself then...
In my present picture I am 14stone 11lbs..... still a long way to go....

At the start of the year I went on the p90x regime and got to about day 60 then I fell ill with tonsillitis and had to get my tonsils out 4 weeks ago, so I am kind of posting this as inspiration for myself as I have hit a huge brick wall! and finding it difficult with getting back on the exercise and diet wagon since recovering from my operation....
In my before picture I am around 17 stone I think I hadn't weighed myself then...
In my present picture I am 14stone 11lbs..... still a long way to go....