Before & After Photo Thread of Inspiration!!! Post Your photos here!

"...only small cog in chain..."

Yup, a small cog indeed - a superb achievement Anthony. You world must be a very different place now.


Exactly right Anthony, it's posts like yours that tell all there is to say (without words) about keeping going when the going gets tough.

You don't fail until you give up.
Some before and afters of me - so far 6 stone 3lbs lost. Having to take a break as off to Japan for 3 weeks next week - but would like to lose a bit more when I get back.

End of September 2006


Two nights ago (struggling with troublesome cat who doesn't like to be meddled with!)



Congratulations and very well done you look absolutely beautiful:wow:

Love Mini xxx
Gaijingirl WOW, u look totally different and about 10 yrs younger, everytime i see these after pictures it just proves how well VLCD's work.

Keep them coming guys.
Ilove all the before and after piccies!
although I had lost 2.5 stones alone before my LL before pics and havent got any pics of me at my heaviest.
Lost another 3st since my LL before pics so Ill show you mine when Im finished in 24lbs time-which at this rate will take until xmas :(
Ok a couple of me

33 pounds lost in 8 weeks, only a small difference and a long way to go yet! Bridesmaid ones before taken in May last year.


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there scary blown up, still look like im pregnant mind!

My top half is shrinking quicker than bottom, damn those child bearing hips:sigh:
well done you look good for it !
These pics are just great, thanks everyone for sharing them. It never ceases to amaze me how people always look years younger in their after pics. I can't day! Well done everyone you look wonderful! Angela x
You guys are fab!
god u look so diff ffnf!! the only thing that is really the same between the pics is how cheeky u look. if thats not one of the most mischievious faces ive ever seen...LOL

havent visited this thread for AGES and am pretty gobsmacked at the last 10 pages or so. what a hot bunch u all r!!