Before and half way through...

Thanks guys, it has been really hard work, but I feel so so so much better. I don't have any of the knee/ankle problems that used to plague me, I need less sleep, I am never as lethargic and I am so much happier. Keep slimming ladies :)
fantastic pictures - well done

I haven't lost any more, I've been yo-yo'ing because of birthdays/graduation but I found some very very horrendous photos of me that serve as inspiration to NEVER put weight on again and to carry on. People genuinely didnt recognise me at graduation (including my ex!!) and that was a great feeling. I am currently untagging all the horrible photos of me on facebook and came across these....

234_43766575240_1328_n.jpg374484_10152267163080013_687658205_n.jpgThen (2008) and now
236_13721845747_8236_n.jpg402460_10152223727425147_821167648_n.jpgThen (2007) and Now

It gives me determination!!



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A few more....

Well done :)
Hey all,

It's been almost 18 months since I last posted, so I thought this was due an update!

I have managed to lose more weight, albeit a lot slower, but that also includes new jobs, moving, bereavement etc. I've attached new pics... I keep them all up in my room as the ultimate motivation. I kinda lost my mojo recently, but I'm trying to get back on track.


Thanks for all the lovely comments, and good luck with your own journey.

G xx