before/during/after pics

Its on the left hand side on your post! its currently 28
Hey - I finally feel confident enough to have added some before and after pictures to my profile. Must say that my hair is looking much better in the before pictures! Haven't had it cut since having my baby last November....must get some 'me' time to get that sorted!
Hey - My before pics are not so good as I hate hate hate having my picture taken. It has taken me a good few weeks to find even those ones. Looing back at it I do wish that I had taken a proper before pic but at the time I was sooooo unhappy with myself that I couldn't bring myself to do it.

It was 14 weeks to get to 3 stone and 15 weeks to get to 3st 4lbs x
14 weeks cor i hope i can do same, lost 15 in 3 weeks but had a blip yesterday so had to go thro full detox again today. I know what u mean as i hate my pics also, well done babe, u must be so pleased with yrself, did u do total for all those weeks, and if so did u have many blips, just asking advice from a pro.x
Stuck to the plan pretty much. V boring answer! I did total with add a meal at the appropriate times, then when my BMI got below 25 I have had to 'add a meal' but really felt like my body needed it by then.

I did have a 'pastry pinwheel' incident at a childrens party where I wasn't prepared for there being 'adult' food. The hostess was handing them round to all the parents and everybody was raving about them and I didn;t know what to ate it. Felt v guilty after but it had no affect on the scales.

I did go a bit off piste on holiday a little but generally followed the Exante allowed foods and still lost!

I think that I lost around the same as you in the first three weeks so you are def going in the right direction xXx
I've put a couple of recent ones up in my profile album today, including one taken this afternoon. :)

Am starting to get the hang of this "having my photo taken" business now lol, always hated it before but don't mind quite so much these days!
Wow Yam, you can really see the difference. You have done an amazing job x
I have just started having my photos taken again but I do try and make sure I am in particular poses so that I look the best that I can.

For example - no sitting down pics (makes me look all lumpy and bunched up), I pull my hair around my face to frame it properly, i also turn my face to the side slightly so that I look over my shoulder as it defines my chin more (face looks less fat)

I recently went on a girls weekend to Manchester and all my friends were laughing at me as I wouldn't let them take any pics until i was fully posed but I knew I had to do it otherwise I wouldn't want to be in any pics.
Been posing again :D I finally treated myself to some new bike gear this weekend but it's been too bloomin' rainy for me to be bothered riding so I've just taken a few pics in the garden instead!