Silver Member
So just finished my first 1.5 litres of water. Feeling full now. Hopefully that will mean that I can avoid having my lunch for a bit longer. Want to try and avoid the afternoon munchies by having a later than usual lunch.
I'll join you! Have been a bit poor with my water intake the last few days.. so far I have managed 1 shake and about 2 litres - 1.5 of water and 0.5 of peppermint tea! Had a SS+ day yesterday and it was nice, but my brain is thinking of food today.. going to stick to just packs from now on I think.. the temptation to eat more last night was high!
feeling more hungry today, maybe because I ate yesterday?
Had a bit of a feel sorry for myself moment - "why can't I be 'normal' and eat like 'normal' people?" - but now that I have gotten back and had my shake with some coffee in it for a boost I realise this is my choice. I could eat food and I could lose weight slower.. but this approach is what I need to do to get where I want to be sooner! Determined head is back in the game, I am going to do this!
Hi all,
Just finished my 3 litres of water for the day. Opened a giant 2 litre bottle of diet cola - planning on sipping some of that now and then [kind of mixing it with the water to make a fizzy cordial].
So quick question - how much of diet cola type stuff do people drink? Does that count as part of your daily liquid/water intake?
I'm sort of hibernating a bit so no external challenges to face....I'm just trying to conceptualise life without free food choices....I don't think it will be bad thing for me....
I'm having one can of Coke Zero a day but I don't know if that's right......I think all the liquids count don't they ? The water you use to make your packs up as well ?
Been ready your thread kittyperry I'm starting Cambridge tomorrow, was on it about 10 months ago and lost a stone in 4 weeks which looked pretty good off me lol! I still have products left and still on date well to 2014 to be precise so day 1 begins in a few hours time. Hang in there well all get there I'm going to take each day at a time and created my own log so feel free to readx
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I'm back to work next week and a bit concerned about colleagues reactions to the VLCD...still its about not emotionally investing in other people's responses and just doing what is best for me.......
Hello kittyperry,
It sounds like you have cracked it ! go you !!!!!
Im off tomorrow to get reliable bathroom and kitchen scales.........
Have a relaxing evening......
Aw thank you I'm getting there lol, today weren't to hard really felt abit hungry but put that down to head hunger lol (so I'm telling myself haha!) 6pm and 2 shakes down another 2 to go doing ok thohow's your day treating you? x
Glad you're feeling okay and the day's not been too bad. I'm doing all right. Looking forward to my dinner-time soup. Nearly downed 4 litres of liquid as well, so feeling positive all 'round. Really glad to have another 100% day. Thought I'd not find the will-power for that, but it seems fine.
Good luck for tomorrowDay two can sometimes be a bit hard.