
I'm exaclt the same I'm not actually hungry but my mother keeps cooking food or getting takeaway and I just need to hide in my room or go out cos I really want some but I come here and it's a good distraction
aw ,mollyhun. u have my complete support. everyone had takeaway yesterday. from pizzas to burgers plus we had guests all day so we gave them 'special' tea. imagine how hungry i felt. one of the perks of having a big family is u smell food 24-7. everyone has their own times to eat. ah! lol.todays my 7th day. i cant wait to weigh in tom morning. :) x
Today will fly for u. Still nothing tastes as good as slim feels. I no wat u mean about familys my brother was home last week and he cooks all night so u can't escape the smell lol. At least it's Monday and I'll be at work all day
Good Luck

Hi Mollypop :D

Good luck im on my 6th day today and i can tell you it gets better and easier as the days go on, day 3 i was kinda tired but day 4 wow, i woke up with a spring in my step, kept myself busy and im doing it!! just think of the weigh in day, and well done for being good so far.


Ya I was th same I just jumped out of bed day four and have found it easier to get up since then with the exception of this morning as my alarm was set hour half seven and I didn't have to get t nine and only went to bed at half four lol I was not impressed
oh just realised its day 10 this week is going much faster thank god and im starting to look good well i think so anyway ha ;)
i tell you what mollypop it is just the best feeling when someone says something about you weight in a good way ,, someone who hasnt seen me today came up and said god ur going all skinny( bit of a exaggeration but all the same)i think i practically floated to school xx
Thanks I really hope it's a good lose I have been so stricked on it lol haven't we all.