Review week 7.
I began at */9 and to day I am */12... The only thing I can say I have done different is that I have had very little physical activity. And I feel incredibly bloated and yet I do have faint ketones.
But it pushes me back into setting up. I have set the bar at */7 to get back into opening moves which is lower than it was last time.
This week, the most important thing I did apart from giving a presentation, buying some beautiful rugs for the front room (I was fed up of having cold feet) and rearranging my away from home work space so I could actually work was saying goodbye to the unprofessional girl-woman who has been working with me for 5 months, What took me so long was that I did not want to cause her offence because I saw a type of sweetness in her.
Ha sweetness, like sugar, empty calories.
There is a day long at my local Buddhist centre I would really love to go to, but my works space at home is slightly ‘not working’ its also cold in there still, the wind is coming in through some crack I can’t find and it probably that I do need a heater to make the room usable and delightful.
I’ll go back to the CDC when I have finished my slim fast. I flirted with the idea of O/A and realised I can’t stand the pain , sorrow, pity me, and all the emotionality that these groups involve and to be frank I don’t buy into the basic tenet of the movement .is labelling oneself as an over eater.
My main short coming this week was the lack of physical activity.And not getting enough sleep or water.
All the same, well done me.
Now for the week ahead.. I have 6 weeks till I go on holiday.