Bellybee's diary - Momentus decision made

Your pics are amazing, you are literally half the person you were! How you are? Did you eat yesterday or did you manage to resist?
Thank you for the compliments.
I resisted eating but did have skimmed milk in tea again really need to stop that.
I am so excited about starting WW i just wanna be there now but it still seems oh so far away.
I know what you mean - I was going to do SS until after the bonfire challenge (which I failed miserably btw) but I'd had enough by last week and so apart from this last stretch of SSing (well today hopefully if I can stay abstinent) I decided rather than lose the plot altogether I would bring it foward a week or two! Mentally the best decision I have made - I still want to lose another stone but in my time - I have set myself a stone by the end of management which is 12 weeks away although if my wait does stabalise through management I may well have an extra splurge after.
Hey Lisa - how are you doing hun? I know it is hard (omg believe me I know it is hard) but are you keeping going?
Hi Lisa

Only you can decide what to do, for me personally I took the choice to move into Management earlier than my original goal date (and weight) but I knew that I was in danger of seriously losing the plot.

I am happy with my choice so far, I don't think I will live to regret it because I am happy with where I am.

If you think you may lose the plot then I personally would say move on earlier. Surely that is better than to start nibbling and/or binging through desparation?

I think you are motivated enough to continue your weight loss journey without the massively strict guidelines now, so maybe you should start to move up through the CD plans as you said you were going to do?
I personally (and remember this isn't my choice) think that is the best way to do it!

It works you through to about 1000 calories which is where WW comes in depending on how much you have to lose and will get your body adjusting to higher calorie intake bit by bit.

Let us know what you decide to do.
Thanks flopster I really don't know what my decision will be.
To be honest I am not happy with my weight at the moment but I recognise I have made huge inroads into the amount I actually need to lose.
I now feel like a normal person who can do a normal diet.
I want to have reached my goal by this time next year which I can do on either plan.
I feel the need to eat but it may just be emotional hunger.
I think I have brought myself down by doing all my food plans etc and now I feel that I can handle myself on a convential diet.
I know its my decision but I am very scared of making the wrong one does that sound stupid.
If i stuck to the CD properly until the end of January i would be at my goal with no more fuss but I am not sure whether I can or not
It *is* emotional hunger, but, emotional hunger is a powerful thing.

I am still offically a stone and a half over my healthy BMI but I have no desire at all to go down that low (9 1/2 stone).

I am now happy to lose another half to full stone slowly if I can but I am seriously happy at the weight and size I am now.

It sounds so easy to say you will be at your goal weight by January doesn't it? But I know I would not have lasted another two months on SS. So really it isn't as easy as it sounds.