BetsyBotox's Refeed Dairy.

hey betsy,
refeed starts tomorrow for me!
I like the food in your diary....might be borrowing some tips!!
Looking forward to seeing how your weigh-in went??

KT! You'll do brilliantly! Stick to the refeed sheet. Keep up the water intake, and keep coming on here for thoughts, opinions, advice.

You'll find that my menu will become boring and repetitive! If I find something I like and it works I tend not to change haha! I'm a bore, stickler for the rules type of person. I am so disciplined with myself now it's frightening!

I wish you all the luck in the world with the refeed, but I doubt you'll need it sweetie. You've done so well and stayed so focused on LT, refeed should not give you any problems, as it's all laid out in front of you. My advice is to just do as it says, and I really doubt you can go wrong.

I was totally shocked at losing 4lbs this week. I thought at least a pound, but was hoping for a stay the same. Hopefully everything will settle and I'll either put those 4lbs back on this week, or stay the same.

KT! You'll do brilliantly! Stick to the refeed sheet. Keep up the water intake, and keep coming on here for thoughts, opinions, advice.

You'll find that my menu will become boring and repetitive! If I find something I like and it works I tend not to change haha! I'm a bore, stickler for the rules type of person. I am so disciplined with myself now it's frightening!

I wish you all the luck in the world with the refeed, but I doubt you'll need it sweetie. You've done so well and stayed so focused on LT, refeed should not give you any problems, as it's all laid out in front of you. My advice is to just do as it says, and I really doubt you can go wrong.

I was totally shocked at losing 4lbs this week. I thought at least a pound, but was hoping for a stay the same. Hopefully everything will settle and I'll either put those 4lbs back on this week, or stay the same.


Hey Betsy,
thanks for your support. I think i'm doing ok, though day 1 i definately made too much salad....but i couldn't finish it and didn't force myself to even though it was so yummy!!

at my last weigh-in i had gained 3lb, so gutted, and absolutely no reason for it!! The only thing i could possibly put it down to was i suffered two migraines last week and took my old faithful tablets syndol.... maybe there was something naughty in them?? So i'm hoping that i can still lose weight this week... but we'll see. I'm trying to stay away from the scales as i don't know if that would be a help or a hinderence....
I have a meeting on thursday in a different office, and i know it will involve a buffet lunch....just trying to prepare myself, maintenance bar for breakfast (how filling are they?!!) and i'll try and stick to half a sandwich and a piece of fruit...... pastry is my nemesis!!!

Anyway, on day three now, loving cooking and preparing food!! Off to have a makerel and cottage cheese salad!!

Thank you for posting your refeed may not realise it, but you are an inspiration!!
Kt x
Thank you so so much Clair! Couldn't have done this without you! You're my LT lifeline. The bestest friend ever!

I can't wait until you're refeeding! Feel a bit lonely doing it without you! You'll be here soon and we can keep each other on the straight and narrow.


I'm lonely without you! Can't wait to join you refeeding, how long are you refeeding for?
I have a feeling that you will need to keep me on the straight and narrow & not vice versa!

Clair x
Hey Betsy,
thanks for your support. I think i'm doing ok, though day 1 i definately made too much salad....but i couldn't finish it and didn't force myself to even though it was so yummy!!

at my last weigh-in i had gained 3lb, so gutted, and absolutely no reason for it!! The only thing i could possibly put it down to was i suffered two migraines last week and took my old faithful tablets syndol.... maybe there was something naughty in them?? So i'm hoping that i can still lose weight this week... but we'll see. I'm trying to stay away from the scales as i don't know if that would be a help or a hinderence....
I have a meeting on thursday in a different office, and i know it will involve a buffet lunch....just trying to prepare myself, maintenance bar for breakfast (how filling are they?!!) and i'll try and stick to half a sandwich and a piece of fruit...... pastry is my nemesis!!!

Anyway, on day three now, loving cooking and preparing food!! Off to have a makerel and cottage cheese salad!!

Thank you for posting your refeed may not realise it, but you are an inspiration!!
Kt x

I just wish I could get online more! I feel guilty when I haven't had the change to log on here for a few days, but I like to read and read, I hate just popping on and off. I do keep a record of my diary for the day on textedit.

Yeah I was unsure about the portion of the salad. I use a small breakfast bowl as my guide, and I don't even fill that. I think it's a good thing to be full and know you have to leave some on your plate. Shows self control. So it's good that you know when you've had enough.

Gaining on LT 100% is not unheard of. All different things could have factor in - different time of day for weigh in, different clothes, water weigh, hormone fluctuations, needing a poo! Lots of stuff. It's good that it didn't dishearten you too much. That will surely begone this week, hopefully with a couple of pound more. I doubt very much Syndol will have been the cause. I took all sorts of vitamins, minerals, anti biotics etc while on LT, and they never had any affect. Oh I say stay away from the scales until the chemist. I don't even own any! I'll be going to my chemist forever haha. Need the control somehow!

Yeah definitely a maintenance bar for breakfast on Thursday (I know! Amazingly filling and satisfying. I'll be using them for the foreseeable future) Can you not prepare a salad in the morning and take it with you? I'm sure no one would mind, as it shows discipline and focus. I'm lucky in I have a very unsweet tooth, none of those pastry/cake/sweet things appeal to me, never have. Although set a packet of Mc Coys crisps or a Chinese/burger meal in front of me and I'm salivating! Saying that haven't been tempted once since I started.

It's helps so much that you are in love with preparing and cooking the food. It gives you a great respect and pride in the food and what you're putting into your mouth. A better understanding per say.

Thanks for posting your diary KT. I loved reading it. It helps me so much! We can help each other!

I'm lonely without you! Can't wait to join you refeeding, how long are you refeeding for?
I have a feeling that you will need to keep me on the straight and narrow & not vice versa!

Clair x

Awww Clair! *hugs* Miss you! It's like your on one side of the fence and I'm on the other haha!

How long is a piece of string?! I haven't a clue! I was going to stick to the menu for about 8-12 weeks, as the foods so suit me, and at the minute I feel fantastic. I tend to play things by ear - You know take each day as it comes type of thing. I doubt 'maintenance' will be much different from refeed for me!

We're both the same, so I'm sure you'll be fantastic and you'll be able to kick me up the ass or tell me if I've gone wrong, because I'm sure I will at some stage!

I've just noticed your PM, so I'm off for a read, catch up on juicy gossip!

Menus looking fantastic betsy and glad you enjoyed your v&c's :)

Well done on stopping though, that takes some will power! :)
Menus looking fantastic betsy and glad you enjoyed your v&c's :)

Well done on stopping though, that takes some will power! :)

Thank you Tanya!

I will definitely try your little concoction next Saturday! Oh I enjoyed them a bit too much! Little things are popping into my head today of things I said and done! :whistle: I did pass out, so it was a good night!

Yeah the stopping when I had enough is so out of character for me. Wonder how long that will last?!

How you getting on sweetie? I really really must go into the maintenance forum and read yours and a few others diaries for inspiration. I need as many tips and advice as I can possibly get.

Menus look great Betsy! I knew you'd lose ;). The first time I had a drink I fell under the table after 4 and had a hell of a hangover the next day. I thought 'great - I can't drink as much as i used to - BRILL!' However it didn't take long till I was back to 'normal' ;) (sadly)

I like the maintenance bars too and used them for a long time, then carried them round as a sort of stand by in case I was out at a meal time. I did that until I was comfortable that it really is always possible to find something even if you have to 'tweak' it a bit, wherever you are.

You'll probably find as time goes on and you get more confident around food that you start introducing other things and maybe snacking a bit - this is when you need to take most care imho. Forewarned is forearmed as they say ;)

I too, found diet coke way too sweet when I went back on it - I tried pepsi max which was okay for a while but then 'went' too sweet (!!??) and so moved to coke zero which I'm still on but I do also pop in a splash of lime - either fresh or cordial (sugar free of course ;)) which probably cuts through the sweetness a bit too.

You're still doing brill girl! Keep up the good work and even if you stick to the refeeeding menus get yourself over to the maintenance section soon!! :):)

Oh Yeah - I sometimes find those 'thanks' buttons are missing too - dunno what that's about! xx
Day 10

Breakfast: LT Maintenance Bar

Lunch: Wholemeal pitta. I mixed up a small breakfast bowl filled with 8 canadian prawns, lettuce, 4 thinly sliced pieces of cucumber, 3 cherry tomatoes, a bit of spring onion, a bit of onion, a dollop of fat free fromage frais, and sprinkled it all with paprika.

Dinner: 4oz chicken breast, battered with a mallet, drizzled in lemon, sprinkled with herbs de provence and chives, and a grinding of black pepper, baked in the oven in tin foil. 4oz baked potato with a dollop of fat free fromage frais and a sprinkling of chives. A sprig of broccoli, 4 green beans and 3 carrot batons.

Drinks: 4.5 litres of water.

Oh I felt like a lazy cow today, no gym or exercise, well all my usual chores, and a walk around Ikea in the afternoon, if you call that exercise! Food was the usual - Delicious and enjoyed. The prawns were to die for! I love seafood so much, and the prawns were so fresh and tasty, especially mixed with the fat free fromage frais, and the salad. Mouthwatering and fresh. My dinner was also delicious. The herbs de provence and chives gave the chicken a lovely flavour, really enjoyed it.

Not one bit hungry again today. I'm obviously getting everything I need from my meals. I do think the water helps a lot. I wonder if I didn't drink as much would I get hungry? I really honestly can't do without my water, really need it.

Put on a size 10 pair of jeans this morning and they are very loose, they were fitting ok last week, maybe it was that 4lb lost last week. Being able to wear whatever I want is the best feeling in the world. I can't put into words how bloody fantastic it feels to be able to walk into any shop and know that anything in there will fit me. I love not having my clothes and style decided for me because of my size. I could never go back to being huge again, as I love the freedom so much.
Menus look great Betsy! I knew you'd lose ;). The first time I had a drink I fell under the table after 4 and had a hell of a hangover the next day. I thought 'great - I can't drink as much as i used to - BRILL!' However it didn't take long till I was back to 'normal' ;) (sadly)

I like the maintenance bars too and used them for a long time, then carried them round as a sort of stand by in case I was out at a meal time. I did that until I was comfortable that it really is always possible to find something even if you have to 'tweak' it a bit, wherever you are.

You'll probably find as time goes on and you get more confident around food that you start introducing other things and maybe snacking a bit - this is when you need to take most care imho. Forewarned is forearmed as they say ;)

I too, found diet coke way too sweet when I went back on it - I tried pepsi max which was okay for a while but then 'went' too sweet (!!??) and so moved to coke zero which I'm still on but I do also pop in a splash of lime - either fresh or cordial (sugar free of course ;)) which probably cuts through the sweetness a bit too.

You're still doing brill girl! Keep up the good work and even if you stick to the refeeeding menus get yourself over to the maintenance section soon!! :):)

Oh Yeah - I sometimes find those 'thanks' buttons are missing too - dunno what that's about! xx

Thank you so much Jan! You're like a breath of fresh air! All sense and good advice.

Haha you sound just like me where the booze is concerned! I think I was under the table at one point, and I've a feeling I'll be able to get back to downing quite a few in a couple of weeks. Everyone was shocked at how much I was able to drink after being off it for so long. Awk I don't care, I loves me vodka.

Yeah I think I'll be holding onto the maintenance bars for a while. Like you say - They're a great stand by until you're more comfortable. Not to mention the fact they are quite tasty and filling, nice bonus. I'm already thinking about if I'm out and about and need to 'tweak' a few things to stay healthy. Everywhere I seem to go has some kind of healthy option I can chose. If the worst comes to the worst and I can't get anything healthy, then I'll not panic, as going off plan once or twice isn't going to put the 12 stone back on overnight. Of course I'll not get complacent and think I know it all!

Thanks for the forewarning! I need it! I'm a bit like a controlled robot at the minute. I'm so disciplined with myself it's scary. At the minute I'm so full and satisfied with what I'm eating, so I don't feel the need to snack. I expect further on in, and like you said, when my confidence grows I may get hungrier. I will be sure to take good care when I notice this happening. Good one! - Forewarned is forearmed! Like that!

Yeah the diet coke was a kind of sickly sweet, and it left a weird taste in my mouth. I loved the bloody stuff before LT! I may try both Pepsi Max and Coke Zero next week. Oh and Tanya suggested the diet lemonade with the sugar free cordial, that sounds nice, so I'm going to give that a go too. The popping in of the lime sounds like a great idea! I do love a bit of lemon slice in my drink, would that be ok?

I was going to stay on this menu, or adaptions of it for around 8 weeks. It's always in the back of my head that I've just bloody lost over 12 stone in 8 months, so my body will need time to adjust to it's new weight and eating habits. So I guess I'm playing it safe. My pharmacist thought this was a good idea. I may stay here for a month, then more over to maintenance. Maintenance! Can't believe I'm going to be moving to maintenance! I really hope and pray I'm as successful as you. I never ever want to do another 'diet' again. I want to continue changing my life through good choices.

Thank you so much again Jan. I really really do appreciate ANY advice, thoughts, opinions you give me.

Oh and yeah you were right about the loss this week! I was shocked at 4lbs! What do you think will happen this week mystic Jan? Do you think I'll put them back on again?

I just thought of something - It is so strange to burp again! I mean proper burps that you can taste what you've just eaten. I hardly burped at all while on LT!

Just a random thought.
:rotflmao: betsy!!!!!
I just thought of something - It is so strange to burp again! I mean proper burps that you can taste what you've just eaten. I hardly burped at all while on LT!

Just a random thought.

oh god yeah!! Me and my hubby can't stop burping!!!
And the other..... I didn't pass wind much on LT, now i'm going like a trooper!!!! x
I just thought of something - It is so strange to burp again! I mean proper burps that you can taste what you've just eaten. I hardly burped at all while on LT!

Just a random thought.

oh god yeah!! Me and my hubby can't stop burping!!!
And the other..... I didn't pass wind much on LT, now i'm going like a trooper!!!! x

Thank you so much for sharing this girls .... what pretty pictures are conjured up! :crazy: :giggle:
I certainly DON'T think you'll put that 4lbs back on! I think you may even have another loss - smaller this time or at the very least stay the same - but no, a little loss I think ;)

Lime/lemon same really - I just prefer lime personally xx
Betsy, looks like you are doing very well on your refeed. Glad to hear everyone's bodily functions are back to normal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a great read, definatley a great help for my future refeed. How long does the refeed last until your back to eating normally? (When I say normally I mean the new you normally)
Lipotrim reccommend refeeding for 1 week, but when you have lost 5 stone or more they suggest that you refeed for longer.

Clair x
Day 11

Breakfast: LT Maintenance Bar

Lunch: Wholemeal pitta, half a tin of tuna in brine (drained), I mixed up a small breakfast bowl filled with the tuna, lettuce, 4 thin slices of cucumber, 3 cherry tomatoes, a bit of spring onion, a bit of onion, some watercress and a dollop of lighter than light mayo.

Dinner: River Cobbler, drizzled in lemon, grinding of black pepper, and a sprinkling of oregano, wrapped it in foil and baked in the oven. 4oz baked potato topped with fat free fromage frais and a sprinkling of chives. cabbage, broccoli, carrots.

Drinks: 5 litres of water

This was my worst day! I love the wholemeal pitta at lunch, it is so filling and tasty. After the pitta I felt really stuffed and bloated, and a bit off. My baby has a tummy bug and a bit of a cold at the minute, and my nose keeps running, and my throat is a tad sore. So I put feeling a bit off down to that. Anyhow, when it came to dinner time I was dreading having to eat as I was still full up, feeling rough. I knew I had to eat as I had worked so hard at the gym, and needed to replace what I had burned off. Not to mention the fact I have to eat to live and be healthy!

So I prepared my dinner, still not wanting to eat. Sat down to it and tasted the fish first and it was horrible! I had gone totally overboard on the oregano, and it was rotten! I just couldn't eat it, it put me off everything. So dinner went into the bin, and I had an early night with lots of water, still not feeling hungry. Had a bit of a rough night, up a few times, coughing, sneezing, peeing. Literally had to force myself to sleep, and couldn't wait until morning, hoping I would be all better.

Worked so hard at the gym. Really felt it in the morning (I love aching muscles haha) Run for 45 minutes on the treadmill, cross trainer 20 minutes, cycled for 30 minutes, then did my usual vibroplate session, and my toning. Really, really enjoying the gym at the minute. I always feel fantastic afterwards.

So pooey day. That'll learn me to go easy on the ole oregano! I wonder did I subconsciously sabotage myself because I wasn't hungry, an excuse! Hmmm the plot thickens.

I don't own bathroom scales, do you think I should buy some? I'll still be going to the chemist to be weighed every week for the foreseeable future, so is there any point?

I'm still going to stick with the refeed menu as I'm loving it, and it sure is filling me up. Although I am going to be a tad adventurous and throw in a bit of mixed pickle and beetroot into my salad next week, wooohoo, I'm living dangerously!

Oh, a few people have asked me about the size of my salad bowl, so I took a couple of pictures yesterday for another post. I put a small apple into the bowl to better demonstrate it's size. Here it is:


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