Menus look great Betsy! I knew you'd lose
. The first time I had a drink I fell under the table after 4 and had a hell of a hangover the next day. I thought 'great - I can't drink as much as i used to - BRILL!' However it didn't take long till I was back to 'normal'
I like the maintenance bars too and used them for a long time, then carried them round as a sort of stand by in case I was out at a meal time. I did that until I was comfortable that it really is always possible to find something even if you have to 'tweak' it a bit, wherever you are.
You'll probably find as time goes on and you get more confident around food that you start introducing other things and maybe snacking a bit - this is when you need to take most care imho. Forewarned is forearmed as they say
I too, found diet coke way too sweet when I went back on it - I tried pepsi max which was okay for a while but then 'went' too sweet (!!??) and so moved to coke zero which I'm still on but I do also pop in a splash of lime - either fresh or cordial (sugar free of course
) which probably cuts through the sweetness a bit too.
You're still doing brill girl! Keep up the good work and even if you stick to the refeeeding menus get yourself over to the maintenance section soon!! 
Oh Yeah - I sometimes find those 'thanks' buttons are missing too - dunno what that's about! xx
Thank you so much Jan! You're like a breath of fresh air! All sense and good advice.
Haha you sound just like me where the booze is concerned! I think I was under the table at one point, and I've a feeling I'll be able to get back to downing quite a few in a couple of weeks. Everyone was shocked at how much I was able to drink after being off it for so long. Awk I don't care, I loves me vodka.
Yeah I think I'll be holding onto the maintenance bars for a while. Like you say - They're a great stand by until you're more comfortable. Not to mention the fact they are quite tasty and filling, nice bonus. I'm already thinking about if I'm out and about and need to 'tweak' a few things to stay healthy. Everywhere I seem to go has some kind of healthy option I can chose. If the worst comes to the worst and I can't get anything healthy, then I'll not panic, as going off plan once or twice isn't going to put the 12 stone back on overnight. Of course I'll not get complacent and think I know it all!
Thanks for the forewarning! I need it! I'm a bit like a controlled robot at the minute. I'm so disciplined with myself it's scary. At the minute I'm so full and satisfied with what I'm eating, so I don't feel the need to snack. I expect further on in, and like you said, when my confidence grows I may get hungrier. I will be sure to take good care when I notice this happening. Good one! - Forewarned is forearmed! Like that!
Yeah the diet coke was a kind of sickly sweet, and it left a weird taste in my mouth. I loved the bloody stuff before LT! I may try both Pepsi Max and Coke Zero next week. Oh and Tanya suggested the diet lemonade with the sugar free cordial, that sounds nice, so I'm going to give that a go too. The popping in of the lime sounds like a great idea! I do love a bit of lemon slice in my drink, would that be ok?
I was going to stay on this menu, or adaptions of it for around 8 weeks. It's always in the back of my head that I've just bloody lost over 12 stone in 8 months, so my body will need time to adjust to it's new weight and eating habits. So I guess I'm playing it safe. My pharmacist thought this was a good idea. I may stay here for a month, then more over to maintenance. Maintenance! Can't believe I'm going to be moving to maintenance! I really hope and pray I'm as successful as you. I never ever want to do another 'diet' again. I want to continue changing my life through good choices.
Thank you so much again Jan. I really really do appreciate ANY advice, thoughts, opinions you give me.
Oh and yeah you were right about the loss this week! I was shocked at 4lbs! What do you think will happen this week mystic Jan? Do you think I'll put them back on again?