Hello! Not been too much to report lately I'm afraid! Still plodding on though....Back on induction from yesterday until the end of the month, see if I can shake off this stall. Although have overall been really good, apart from a few glasses wine for special party Saturday night.
Thought I'd post a typical day, can anyone suggest where I might be going wrong?
Brekkie: Huge green tea with hard boiled egg
Lunch: Can of tuna/couple chicken legs/pepparami if at work with lettuce, cuc, radish and spring onion. Maybe mayo or french dressing.
Dinner: Pork chop/steak/burger/chicken skewers with either broc, cauli, courgette or cabbage. Sometime bit of green salad as well to fill up plate.
Snacks are either 3 or 4 brazil nuts (it says o.k in new book!) or a slice of ham wrapped around small cube of cheese. Don't tend to bother with any sweet substitutes like sf jelly and have only had 2 atkins bars in 4 weeks. Have dropped the diet coke and sugar free squash. Overall I have 3 big cups of green tea and a decaff black coffee after dinner. And I always drink 2 x of the 1.5 litre volvic bottles of water a day.
Any suggestions for things I could do different to get things moving?