running strictly on fat!
Ah thank you - it's certainly having it's up's and down's!!Mini, 11lbs in four weeks is fantastic!! How did you do it???
I'm pleased i haven't gained anything since i started in August, thats an achievement - i've STS for three weeks out of the 14. I'd love to be in the 15's for xmas but i'm not sure if thats going to happen now - 5 weeks to go and 12lbs to loose!! xx
Crazybecky,I also have 9lbs to lose for Xmas and with WW average of 2lbs a week it seems to be achievable - I am sure you can get rid of 12lbs in 5 weeks!!! If you want to boost your metabolism you could stick to filling food ONLY or add some excercising (swimming or classes) Either way, you are on the road to success - keep up a good work xxx