Big Boys Need Love Too!

hey girlys quick question. where should i measure my hip measurement from? because i have quite high hips, and according to mine at the moment im a size 12 hip and pretty much a size 16 waist, which is so weird. it cant be right.

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i'm pretty sure hip measurements are nowhere near your hips but are around your widest point. so basically about half way down your butt. does that help? that's where most clothing shops etc say you measure it. if you go onto the next directory or something like that their sizing guides usually show where the measurement is done. but i'm almost certain it's where you look widest from the front...

abz xx
well my biggest point is my hips, not round my bum. im strange like that. i have wide hips like my nan. i think it's to do with shape. im not a pear im an apple. argh i dont get it. maybe ill measure round the bit you talk of, see how big that bit is hahaha.
well as long as you look at yourself face on in a mirror and stick the tape around the bit that looks widest i'm sure you'll do fine :)

abz xx
well it makes sense :p hee.

the shop doesn't have any cooked chicken. boooooooooo and hiiiisssssss. might end up having an ss day *sigh*. ah well. no worries on that score. at least i'll end up in ketosis a bit quicker...

abz xx
Arrrrr no you need to eeeeeat lol. do you know what i have on my desk? a blueberry muffin thats had a bit eaten off because palvi made me try it and a little bag of thornton's chocs lol. it's been quite a hard day haha. x
ha. well there's still bloody cake in the kitchen!! why hasn't it been eaten!! it was even brought to me and wafted at me and shoved under my nose and offered to me again when i refused and i covered my eyes and said i wasn't looking and they eventually went away... into my coworkers mouth :D

abz xx
Lol congrats. My coworker wouldn't let me get away with not having a bite off her muffin haha, sounds a little bit strange but anyway, to continue, so i had a little bit but the rest is there. its so tasty though. i shall take it home and feed it to my very thin sisters.

right im off now. i might log in at home abz, keep you company a bit, bless you :) xxx
Yay - it's happened

What's happened? I hear you ask. I was just going into the loo at work and noticed some of my colleagues chatting. One of them looked up and said "Gem, you've lost a lot of weight haven't you". It caught me by surprise so I said "Only 21lbs" and there was a chorus of "OMG that's loads!".​

I got to thinking - it is pretty good isn't it? Yay me :D x​

Abz - Don't set yourself huge goals. You are doing mighty fine. x​

Elle - Get you in shorts - I wouldn't dare! x

Taz - You've been overdoing it. Be a little less hard on yourself x​
it is loads gem :D chuffed for you that people are noticing. i found it odd that a couple of people noticed after i'd come back from my hols and put a stone back on :D ha.

i know i am setting myself high goals but i am so bloody impatient!! i'm doing well so far. not hungry really. in fact the opposite which i find odd. although i do think i'm coming down with something...

am looking forward to seeing my cdc tomorrow and getting weighed. i don't think i'll have much of my holiday weight left, so that's good :) there's still about 4.5lbs left at the mo on my scales and hopefully tomorrow will shave another wee bit off that. and then hopefully in a week or so it will have bloody gone!! psychologically it has really set me back putting that much on. i know that it was my holidays and i enjoyed every morsel!! ha. but i feel like i've such a long way to go still and i want it over with as fast as possible!! then i can stop being such a misery guts and be a sexi(er) minx instead :D

abz xx
It was fab to think they had been talking about my weightloss and then mentioned it like that. It was so much nicer seeing as I have squatters from the weekend. The funny thing is, although I've got those pesky little things digging in I still feel the same - I don't feel "fatter" and my clothes are still the same on me.

Abz - you are doing brilliantly and those squatters, whether gone tomorrow or not are neither here nor there - they won't be around for long. x
well i hope not gem. i'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel and i'm so bloody impatient!! ha. only two hours of shift left to go. wooo. ha. am back here at 7am too. i could have tomorrow off and work friday but i'd rather have the three-day weekend so i've had to sign a form saying i don't mind being overworked basically, ha. so there can be less than 11 hours between shifts i think it was... hopefully that won't come back to bite me on the ass...

abz xx
I don't know - you'll have a great sense of achievement at the end of it. x
:character00238: Good morning everyone :character00238:

It's so hard getting up on these dark cold mornings. My Lumie sunrise lamp fools me into thinking I should be up but I know that I'll regret it so I stay there til the last possible minute :rolleyes: Still tomorrow I get a bit of a lie in as I don't have to get up for work :D

The scales and I have called a minor truce after a good day yesterday. The squatter situation is nowhere near as bad as it looked :) I will try to achieve sts by Friday but if not charity will benefit again. To be fair, I've only had to give once so if I don't get the sts I'll give £10 again (I might anyway cos it's not a bad thing to do) :)

After a chaotic weekend foodwise I got back in the zone quite easily. I thought it would be difficult, especially as I am doing it without snacks this week but it was actually ok. All good :)

Did I beat you again Abz? :D

Have a good day everyone :character00238:
good morning everyone. you did indeed beat me gem :) i have been at work an hour and haven't been able to stop to breathe since i got here!! since contracted IT hours are actually 9-6 and we cover extra depending on our preferences, they are lucky that my preference is 7am!! the amount of stuff that goes wrong first thing on a morning. aargh. ha.

so i'm having a brief breather and am seriously considering the coffee pot.

am glad you and your scales have made up gem :) i am getting weighed tonight. aargh. ha.

abz xx
Morning all, Gem that's great! Someone said that to me the other day and I just laughed because I am putting it on at the moment! Ha ha