:character00238: Good morning everyone :character00238:
It's completely dark outside but I can't hear any rain so it might be dry - although shamefully I haven't looked out to see. I am quite tired this morning, I think it must be the weekend catching up with me
I had a fight with a metal gate yesterday. It's a stupid gate which has a piece sticking out at head level to stop it opening the wrong way (why would that matter anyway as it has a slide catch and padlock?)
It's ok when you're going out cos you have to push it but on the way in you pull it towards you and the sticky out bit is just above eye level.
I was talking to one of the kids at the time and as I pulled the gate towards me the sticky out bit smacked me right in the head above my eye (big bully!!!) and I now have a pretty looking bump on my head that hurts. I hope it doesn't bruise. Although on an intellectual level I know the sticky out bit was there, it caught me quite by surprise and I wasn't expecting it.
I have complained about the gate and will keep on until something is done cos this is dangerous
All that aside I have a morning on-site in school and I am going out to see a student I really like this afternoon so it should (?) be a good day.
Yesterday I had the temptation of a tin of quality street on the staff room table (brought in by a parent) and a mertit trip to McDonalds and I resisted both, having water at McDonalds and one choc to be sociable (Yay Me!). I am on a "no treat" week as I picked up 3 squatters at the weekend - one gone, two to go
I have a day off tomorrow then only 2 more days before the holiday. Friday evening we travel down to Cornwall for just over a week and I can't wait
:character00238: Have a lovely day everyone :character00238: