Big Boys Need Love Too!

:character00238: Good morning everyone :character00238:

Up and running again today but only for two days cos on Friday evening I'm off to Cornwall and not back until the beginning of November. I had a busy day yesterday and still have plenty to do before I go away.

The good news today is ALL SQUATTERS SUCCESSFULLY EVICTED :D If I can ditch one measley pound by tomorrow morning I can move the tickers again, if not sts is ok.

I don't know what today will bring. There was an inspector in yesterday and someone in from the council to look into stress in the workplace today. It could be interesting, I know a bit about that and I don't really wanna go through it again, so it's all good that they are looking into it :)

Taz - Poor you - I know you hate the late shifts :eek: This batch will soon be over and I hope you get in on the earlys loop soon :)

Well off to make porridge and my sandwich for work now, then off to work.

:character00238: Have a lovely day everyone :character00238:
good morning guys. bee, i'm afraid it's true. we don't shut up for long... :)

as for christmas. well i am being realistic. i am going to have to celebrate it at least twice, possibly three times. my grandma's house used to be the central point for christmas. she died last summer and last year was the first christmas without her. i lived with her for a long time and we all just kind of disbanded for christmas. we have been invited to my aunt's for christmas but we usually meet up before and go out to eat somewhere :) we'll probably do that again. i'm working on christmas day this year but we might be able to celebrate on the danish christmas day instead, which is the 24th. failing that we will just pick a day :) a couple of our friends are coming over. and then my mum is in scotland so we'll see her too... but at least one of these christmas celebrations is going to be an all-outer for me. skinny people do it, why shouldn't i? ha. but the others i will have to be careful with :D

can't wait :D

day one of sole source is over. i was so so hungry when i got home!! ha. but i had some bouillon and it helped me last until my next shake.

tyn. have you discovered that yet? if you make marigold bouillon stock as a drink it's like a vegetable broth and it really helps to keep you going. the idea is horrid, ha. but it really does help :)

i have already evicted a squater or two since yesterday. i would like to drop another 6 by tuesday if at all possible. probably not, but i can hope :D

abz xx
Morning all, I have requested to swap out my next week of lates so hopefully I will be successful with that. I can't stand this routine of lates :(
aw hon. hopefully you'll be good. i thought you had a guy that you usually swapped with. is he not around at the mo?

i'm so sleepy this morning. and i have an eyelash in my eye that i can't get out!!

abz xx
Ouch Abz, I hate that and mine do it all the time. They can be quite sharp cant they. Try to get your eye wet by rapidly blinking to produce tears then when it is really wet gently wipe it away.

Yes I thought I did have a guy to swap them all with but it turns out he DJ's in his spare time so likes to have saturday nights off and will only swap if it suits him. There are 2 other people about to pass out who also want the late shifts but they will be going into a different link to me and we can swap cross-link. Hopefully in December there will be a solution!
i hope so taz :)

i have tried all that. i can't see it when i look but i can feel it moving around under my lower lid. i've tried every trick in the book. i think i'm just going to have to wait until it decides on its own. it isn't going to cooperate for me!!

abz xx
Is it a loose one or is one that is still attached bent back and stabbing your eye? Go to the mirror and pull your eye open wide and take a really good look
Ouch that sounds painful Abz! Hope it clears up soon! xxx
Taz, well good luck and I hope you get the shifts you want.

Elle, good plan for christmas. I don't even want to think about it at the moment. Luckily, OH cooks it so my job will be to just play and help LU with his toys. We normally have a a late dinner ( which is meant to be at 2pm- but is always at 6pm *LOL*) We just have a roast....and then we are all too full for anything else. No one in this house like christmas pudding so that isn't an issue. I do dread not trying not to eat before dinner. But I have no doubt I will have to have something or I will be ill. I will, as I am now, try to STS throughout christmas. But that will be luck more than anything. It's not the puddings that bother me. It's the cheeses and meats. We normally have beef or ham as no one like turkey, a part from me and I only like the legs when they have been BBQ'd. ( texas thing I guess). And I always have tons of broccoli, carrots, peas etc....but most of the time OH smoothers then in melted butter which isn't going to help.

In fact he isn't helpping me at the moment. I wanted something sweet lastnight and I wanted it at 7:30pm as I knew we would be up for a while, but he wanted me to wait. Next thing I know it is 9:15pm and he says give him 30 mins, and we can have it. But being the good girl I am, I said, "nah it's too late to be eating that stuff, I will have it another time." But he just kept what, just have it. And I way I will put weight on. I just have to be careful, cuz normally he would be better than that, but when I am PG he lets me have what I want, when I want it. And I am trying to be good and make sure that I eat my fruit and veg, and trying not to eat any crap. Which is what I think helpped my son, and helpped to give him such a great immune system, and kept hi healthy. Anyway enough of that.! =-)

Gem, those puppet fingers are great, I used them when I take LU to groups. And they used them when they are doing songs too. The speckled frog ones are super cute!! =-)

Bee....yeah THEY talk a lot don't they...not me...I am quiet as a mouse...*LOL*

Tyn, So how's it all going. I likes the veg soup, chicken and mushroom, The cappocino (hot), strawberry, vanilla, chocolate as cold shakes. The broccoli cheeses tasted like only ever had it once and plugged my nose so I couldn't state it and then washed my mouth out with water. You get the bars after the second week....which it is nice to have something different, but I found after a while, I didn't want those either and would be hard pushed to have my last meal of the day....but it is nice to cut them up into pieces and feel like you are actually eating something. For me it wasn't so much the food I missed....for me it truely was the pain I was in and the emotional state it put me in. I am *****y enough without it...but doing it too....I just dread thinking about it. I wasn't very nice anyway. But I did get loads of cooking done...*LOL* Which LU is still eating...*LOL*

Well....I have my scan at I may put a pic up so you all can see....I won't know the sex until nearer christmas...but we have the baby's names already picked out. We have always liked the boys name and the girls name was a name that we picked years ago before we were ever even aware we would have problems having them. So if you want to know the names...just let me know...right's on the hush hush!*LOL* Nah....
Awww that's a lovely video! xxx
Fattyboomboom - give your OH a slap!! They aren't always helpful are they!!! xxx Good luck with your scan today xxx
jenn!! great to hear from you again :) you stick to your guns. don't let your OH lead you astray!! mine is under orders not to let me eat anything other than cd items this week, ha. and he's taking it seriously :) for once :D

i think in order to stick to this i'm going to be spending a lot of time in the bath....

abz xx
thanks Abz, Bee and Taz....I will let you all know how it goes. I am sticking as best I can...not entirely sure how long my will, is going to last. But one thing I learned, I do still only eat when i am hungry. Bad thing is I am hungry more....and go from bloated to starving and nothing in the middle. The other day I drank 2 fresh homemade banana milkshakes...and I couldn't eat for hours I was bloated and by 5pm when we were meant to sort out tea, I said we would need to eat later as I was too full still to eat anything...but by 6:30pm and I was starving!! but I did then just have grilled chicken and salad. I have managed to stay at my weight for the last couple of days.
Glad your weight has stayed the same! How are you finding being pregnant and dieting? I have put weight back on after a recent round of abandoned fertility treatment and hope I can lose what I need to so we can start again! xxx
I am on the w8 Diet Abz - lost 8lbs so far this week so a good start! xxx