Big Boys Need Love Too!

*snow watch alert*

SNOW IS FAAAAAAAAAAAALLING, ALL AROUND MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*end of snow watch alert*
:D snow is so prettiful. there's no chance in me getting down and doing some decent work now! oh well...:p
sooooooooooo jealous. it's cold here but there is no snow. it's leeds. we don't seem to get snow. slush just kind of appears on the ground...

abz xx
We had some hail up here in Preston, i should know i got caught in it!!

Been up to uni, got my ticket for the halloween party, which is dancers, live snakes, spiders and scorpions and the house of blood... sounds so fricking coooool! I can't wait for thursday! lol

Feeling on top of the world today for some reason, someone must have slipped me a happy pill! lol. Just had my hair cut, which prolly helps! lol

Now to find a costume for Thursday! i am thinking Vampire (my flatmates are going as a vampire pirate and the dead bride! lol)

I am thinking Black Pants, Black Shirt, white face, fangs and maybe a cloak? Whatcha think?
yeah abz, you guys are in a valley... similarly to Keele (by stoke on trent) that is situated on a hill, they both seem to have their very own climate lol.

it's coming down at quite a pace now but it's not sticking as it was raining earlier. unfortunate but acceptable.

tyn my incredibly witty friend jack painted his entire body in red body paint in our 3rd year for halloween, wore black eyeliner and stuck one of those headbands with horns on on his head. everytime we passed someone with red marks on them we knew they had been touched by jack. hahaha. however, he got drunk and the flat was pretty much covered in red. when he went to the toilet...when he tried to have a shower, when he'd looked in the fridge etc... lol.

your costume sounds fab i wanna see a photo!! xxx
i have painted myself numerous times. i've been green to be medusa. i've been white to be meg from meg and mog... there's another one there somewhere but i can't remember what it is. just remember. if you use that body paint that comes in a block and you use a wet sponge DAB IT or you get wipe marks, hee.

abz xx
*snow watch alert*

peeps it's getting quite exciting now. we're talking hardcore big snowdrops and finally, it has begun to stick. and i just told my boss to drive down to london tonight for a meeting because 'it's not sticking'. haha oops... x
i tried to get a pic but it didn't work so well. you can clearly see that something is falling and that there's a bit on my lovely little ka outside haha.


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wow elle. have had to show that to the guys i work with. that's more than i expected. i thought you'd be having a bit of drizzle!! :D

i'm really excited and the snow isn't even here :D

abz xx
it's slowed down now. there was one stage where the drops were the biggest ive ever seen, as wide as, say, the width of a cup. HUUUGE. my boss went outside, came in and clobbered me with a snowball!! and then complained that it got all over the floor haha.
guys. have just checked train prices and they've gone up even from the other day!! so we are going to have to decide on when we are meeting up. 15th or the 22nd? 15th is looking better from a train ticket point of view... but either way is getting rather costly. can get the bus for about £25 though so could do that :)

abz xx
cant do 15th nov hun. we need to get word off everyone else!! come on peeps! x
so i can do 22 nov, 29th nov(day only), 13th december (overnight), 20th dec (day only) but prob a bit close to crimbo...

abz xx
I can do either of the November ones, but the best for me is after the 8th of December, thats when i am getting my Xmas shopping done, no cash before then lol. Ahh the life of a student!!