Big Boys Need Love Too!

Yea this is THE place to hang out these days - Martyn's place rocks!
Hey Madame President! lol.

Phew just got back from taking the dog to the Vet, what a drama that was! He is such an annoying dog lol. Anyway, got in really hungry, so narrowly avoided having take out tonight (phew) rest of the family wanted to have KFC (drool) But i convinced them to let my dad cook instead, so will have home made chips and something, nothing healthy, but gotta be the lesser of the two evils! lol.

Been naughty aswell heh, i jumped on the scales earlier, just for a test (fully clothed, even with my shoes on) And ... *pause for dramatic effect* ... *some more pausing* ... *almost there* ....
I have already lost 4lbs this week! Woohoo.

I know i shouldn't have, but it feels so good to know its working lol.
No time to eat Tyn - YOU are far too busy entertaining - US
Thats what is really shocking, i haven't really done anything major. Other than cut out my snacks, i have had 2 slip ups in total, my handful of jelly babys and a small chocolate cake thing, and they where when i was really annoyed. So, i think i have proven to myself already, the stuff i was putting into my boby before wasn't needed at all, it was just a way to deal with something. Now i gotta figure out what that something is! lol

Still gotta actually start eating more healthy stuff. Main food has been jackets with beans, lots of chicken aswell actually hmm.

Oh well, what works works! Maybe i can lose 14lbs before cambridge.. oh that could be fun...
Nothing wrong with jackets and beans Tyn - good food that (hold the butter on the spud though
wow you're doing so well :D

go for it. the thing that fooks us all up is the carb binge before we start cd. i'm not going to eat for months so i'd better have... and then your body takes three days to process all the sugar and you feel naff. if you are well into losing already and can avoid the carb overdrive then you'll be all set to start :) woo. you thinking of starting when you get back to uni then?

abz xx
Yea, everywhere i have looked, people all seem to have that 'big splash out' i don't see how that can be anything but baaaad. I am just spending these few weeks leading up to CD preparing my body for the change i think. Eating alot less, drinking loads of water. But yea, i will save my big meal for when i finish the CD rather than before! lol

I wanna start the CD ASAP, depending on me getting a job anytime soon! lol
ha. working to not eat. that's got to be a new slant on things :D

my OH just ate a cheese and ham toastie sitting next to me. smelled wonderful... and then of wee, but think that's my hormonal ketosis nose... ha. didn't want it though surprisingly.

abz xx
where did everyone go? do i smell? this always happens when i post. well i'm off to bed now *goes off to cry her smelly self to sleep*

:D :D

abz xx
No action at Martyns place. I'm off to bed too. Night night abz :)
Hi tyn,

Just wanna pop over and say HI!!! I have to read 28 pages to catch up with your first three days... lol!!! will do that moro! Bed for me now!!!!


Nas x
Knock - knock! Anyone home? Coo-eee..................
good mornin everyone! i'm off to cheltenham today so i'll be a bit quiet again. bbq went ok, bit too much meat but no carbs after six as i said and they were passing eclairs and other cream filled treats, but somehow I managed to lay off them completely. I just dont understand why my weight isnt going down though... although i did have a brain wave this morning, but i won't gross you all out and tell you. haha. hope everyone's ok? xxxxxxxxxxxxx
oh. p.s. lol, i thought, to make myself feel better i'm going to start writing my greatest acheivements of the day. So, yesterday's was that I only ate half of my jacket potato with tuna mayo yesterday when I had lunch. I was very tempted to dig into the other half but, being full already there was NO POINT. So i didn't, I just got up and ran away haha. I think the thing to do is, when you've got food staring up at you from your plate at home, run to the bin and throw it away asap. What was everyone elses biggest acheivement of the day?

shall i start another thread for all that lol?
Not like you to be quiet elle. Have a good day in Cheltenham hun x
lol i know gem, as soon ive got access to a comp i'll be back on. :) xxxxx

Well last night was really weird, for some reason i got really really hungry and like 10:30, hungry as in my stomach felt like it was just really acididy and made me feel slightly sick. So i had to go down and eat something quick, a bowl of oatabix, feel really crappy today because of it, not eaten late at night for nearly a week and then i go and have a big bowl of cereal! doh lol.

Anyway, i should be around most of the day, unless i get dragged shopping again! lol

Grats on your BBQ last night Smelly!

Now I know where you've all been hiding!

*shimmys way into cool crowd*

Well done Tyn mate, you sound like you're doing so well. And shopping....... nowt wrong there ;)
Don't beat yourself up Tyn. Cereal's not so bad. Hope it was with skimmed milk. Lots of good soft fibre content in oats. Keeps ya going Huh...:sick0019: Have a good day today (have you tried starting the day with porridge?) :)