Big Boys Need Love Too!

Yep, even after 2 years living 'alone' i still ring my mum up and ask her how to make things lol. My last one was how to cook mince, yes i know i asked how to cook mince, shame on me! And after eating it alot, i STILL can't make it taste like hers.

Just Roll on september tho when i can move back to Preston, into my lush new house, HUGE room with a double bed, a wardrobe AND draws! omg i can actually put my clothes away again lol

Really looking forward to the shopping trip before we settle in, me and my 2 flatmates (lived with them for 2years already) Go on a mad shopping spree, buying house things, i end up carrying them all home (Disadvantage to being the only bloke in the house! I do all the heavy lifting! Lol) Then crash out in one of our rooms and watch silly TV while gossiping about men. Its great lol.

I have no idea why i am telling you this. Maybe i should just start a blog it would be easier lol.
I lost count of how many times I rang my mum and mum-in-law in the old days. Then when the kids came along I rang them for a different kinda wisdom.
Now the kids have left home, guess what? they ring me! and sometimes I have the answers and sometimes I just do my best.
It's ok to get your thoughts down in writing. It sometimes helps to see it set out before you and you end up becoming your own counsellor. :) x
Hey everyone, Gem said I should have a look on here as I'm a big guy with a big aim in mind. Looking to get down to target weight of 14 stone from 26 stone. Just started Lipotrim 2 days ago and not finding it too dificult really yet. Determined to do it this time. Have completely changed my attitude towards life and food and with grit, encouragement and support, I'll be there this side of next year! Dave. :D
Blimey this has gone a bit hardcore since i've been away hasnt it?! Hehe. Came back from Cheltenham about half an hour ago. Gotta agree tyn tyn mum's do have something you can't find anywhere else, even though i'm a daddy's girl through and through. She always seems to know when there's something wrong and whenever i'm stressed or upset it's her i want to see. But I don't really spend much time with her, it's ashame but we've never been close. I'm much more like my dad, the same sense of humour...the looks my mum gives us when we play human tennis says it all lol, and we go to the football together and stuff.

Aaaaanyway, today has been ok foodwise, i've managed to not eat anything too crap, although mayo seems to be my let down recently! I've had lots of fruit but that's specifically to help me haha, because i'm a bit "full up" lets say. My dad tried to force some out of date senekot down my throat but my mum stopped him just in time so i'm trying the natural way. Hopefully my weight loss will soon be more significant, woop!

Hope your days have been excellente, I miss sitting on this all day :) Roll on Monday, first time in my life i've ever said that! Haha, although i'll probably be on tomorrow night lots, i'm going out to eat YET AGAIN tomorrow, aaaargh.

Much love guys!

N.B. Human tennis is a game whereby the two players 'bounce' and 'throw' a human (tennis ball) to each other. We usually use my youngest sister. (there are three of us)
oh and hiiii, person who i think used to be called Bex. thanks very much. This photo was taken April 07, lol! Just after i'd lost my first lot of weight. Now i'm trying to lose my second lot! :)
good morning chaps. i'm shattered. ha. girlie night last night went well. there was pizza and chips and an amazing amount of wine and i didn't touch any of it. then i got home, rang the OH to discover he was amazingly drunk (he doesn't usually drink more than a couple of cans and was out on his first stag night ever) and had decided the taxi was too expensive and he was walking home. never mind. it's only an hour's walk if you're sober!!

so he staggered home with me on the phone to him all the way because he kept wanting to lie down because he was tired and freaking out because he wasn't sure where he was. he gets home and i made him eggy bread. yes, eggy bread and i didn't want any. i was chuffed. now he's lying in bed and he's groaning and in a very bad way and i've made him a fried egg sandwich (i would like to point out this isn't our usual diet, ha. fried eggstuffs but it helps with alcyfrol) and i didn't want to eat it. and when he left half of it i didn't think 'oh no, waste, must eat' just thought. ah well. it's only eggs and bread. am feeling rather smug with myself. oh. and i weighed myself this morning and i've lost 4lbs so far with two days to go. wooo :)

abz xx
Aislinn. Thanks for the words hun! and to answer you dilema about losing pages. If you click on 'User CP' at the top of the page, it will show you the replies to the threads you have posted in. So you can keep track of all the places you have been! Hope that helps
Hi Tyn, thanks for that, it should make things a lot easier. It’s taken me the best part of an hour to get here again, admittedly I have been reading all other kinds of threads too…………….I could so spend my whole day sat on this thing!! It means that I have now missed my spin class too – that’s one less opportunity to get a pert tush before surgery!!

I’m sure on line time is like in another dimension where time just goes super fast!!

I was born in Preston so know the town or should I say City very well.

Aislinn x
Good morning Abz what discipline. I’ve been like that since I’ve been on the Cambridge I have this inner glow because I can just step away from left over’s. Don’t get me wrong I don’t hoover up everything its usually just healthy things like chicken…… bits of salad……….slices of seeded malt bread………bowls of homemade cream of celery soup…….oh dear there I go again fantasizing LOL!!

Anyway it’s great when you can just leave it thinking it’s not worth it!!

Well done on your weight lose. I’m so hoping that I’ve done 6lbs this week I get weighed tomorrow.

Is Tyn still in bed?

Aislinn x
he must be aislinn. these folk with the life of riley living at home :) hee.

i'm really hungry this morning. that's the first time that's happened in ages. it's possibly the smell of the food i cooked, ha. well, fried :) if that counts...

i have to clean the house before all these folk show up at 2 and i can't be bothered. especially since i don't eat the kitchen isn't my mess. hmph. but needs must i suppose... in a bit, ha. everywhere just seems to be grotty and yuck. i didn't have any energy to do anything and this morning i am totally knackered. can only have had a few hours sleep but got up to make OH brekkie and he's asleep again and i'm not. hmph.

abz xx
I know what you mean about having to clean food mess that isn’t yours. I totally refused to do it in the end whilst doing SS as it just got me down.
We are currently having a new kitchen fitted so the OH and my daughter are living off soup, beans and similar. It’s grand really because the cooking smells are limited and so is the mess as our kitchen is now the dining room table!!
I’m now on SS+ which means that I prepare one a family meal that I can eat.

Which diet are you doing Abz?
i'm on cd ss. and OH usually does do all his own cooking and washing up. but he's in rather a state, ha. and that's fine. he hardly ever drinks which is why he's in such a state in the first place. we forgot that last night was the night of the stag night he was going to when we agreed that people could come over today... i will tackle it. i'm sure it won't take forever. it doesn't even have to be mega tidy. everyone is coming here rather than going out for a meal because of me, bless, ha. one of our friends is leaving to go and live in manchester while she finishes off her masters so we're having a caffeine based afternoon apparently. although i really am starting to enjoy that slightly smug feeling you get when you say you don't want something you really don't mind, please, have some yourself, everyone apologises about eating and obviously doesn't believe you and then you suddenly realise... it's true, ha. it doesn't really bother you. although two of the people coming make the most amaaaazing cake you have ever come across. it's divine and i'm really hoping they don't bring it. not because i'll eat it, but because it's one of the things i'll wish i could have, ha.

abz xx
Hope you have a good day Abz and that the cake is a ‘no show’!! I’m going to crack on now as I’ve spent far too long on here already. I’m off to visit a friend who has just come out of hospital this afternoon. Hopefully my only dilemma will be whether to have black coffee or tea!!

Have a good one everyone

Aislinn x
It's Poo

:sick0019: Hi Elle - not too healthy with all that waste hanging around rotting inside. Have you tried prunes (yes I know they haven't got wonderful press but I actually like them). Get either the dried version (plump, pitted ones are nice) or the tinned ones in juice (drain if you want). It doesn't actually take many to feel the earth move. If prunes are out try plums or a nice mixed fruit salad and make sure you get some good fibre (like oats for instance - likes me oats :D). Drinks shed loads of water too - you need water to form the stools. At the risk of sounding crass - Happy crapping :) and well done on the scales too
:eatdrink051:Abs - you are going well. Good luck with your kitchen encounter today. It's not the same for me - I just fill the fridge up with things I can eat. The knock-on effect is that OH eats healthy too. The kitchen is a GOOD place for me at the moment. :hug99:
Hi Girlies! Yep i had a nice long sleep, and still feel sleepy. Weird body. Was really good food-wise yesterday. Apart from 2 glasses of Coke (i gotta drink 9 lts of it somehow!) Vanished last night again, had to do a room tidy and re-shuffle that lasted quite awhile, but yay i can play games and not going totally insane lol with boredum! lol.

Well done about last night Abz! Your a legend! Hope i can be as strong lol.
Hey everyone, Gem said I should have a look on here as I'm a big guy with a big aim in mind. Looking to get down to target weight of 14 stone from 26 stone. Just started Lipotrim 2 days ago and not finding it too dificult really yet. Determined to do it this time. Have completely changed my attitude towards life and food and with grit, encouragement and support, I'll be there this side of next year! Dave. :D

Hi there and welcome! Always good to have more blokes around to keep these women in line! (mwahah)
Methinks Tyn might need a slap!!!!!!!! Keep girlies in line indeed! (pretends to be shocked!)
good morning, good mo-o-o-rniiiiiin'....... hope everyone's ok. tyn tyn my boss likes to try and feed me sausage and bacon sandwiches most mornings which is very sweet of him, and I used to eat them, but since the diet i've either secretly thrown them in the bin or politely declined it and offered it back. i think he's got the picture because he hasn't bought me one since tuesday.

gem, my dad told me to eat prunes. i had about three cos he was telling me that they give him the runs, haha, so i was a bit cautious. maybe i'll try eatin a few more now. guys i reeeeeeeeally wanna lose at least 3lbs next week, maybe i should try something a bit more drastic, i dont know... :/ hmmm. time to ponder.

hope your day goes well abz, eggy bread is amazing, your other half should try it with sugar if he isnt dieting lol. it tastes like doughnuts! (clearly i'm helping lots lol so i'll shut up. they taste of POO abz, completely of POO so don't worry)

Hi elle
Hope the prunes work well - You could be storing llbs in there!
i love prunes. i really am 25 i promise :) ha. they certainly should get something shifted honey :) ha.

and eggy bread should never be sweet. it should always be served with tomato sauce!!

tyn, i wouldn't drink all the coke. i know it feels like a waste because it's been bought for you but it's just as much of a waste if you drink it and you don't want it or need it. i would just leave it there and if asked why you aren't drinking it just say you don't fancy it just yet. at least then they won't keep buying you it, ha. and take the level down by tipping some of it away. it really isn't worth putting it in your body to save your dad's feelings. i know it feels that way but it really isn't.

i have cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom and thomas is up, about and hoovering, ha. i work my men hard :D so i was given allowance to come on here for a bit since i cleaned up the kitchen mania. and trust me. it was foul...

abz xx