Big Boys Need Love Too!

Morning all,

I'm fine thanks Jenn.

'tyn, took me a while to figure out what you were on about, it's British Sign Language?

I'm a bit grumpy this morning, but I know that's the nicotine effect.

I only did drugs at Uni, never bothered since somehow.
Hi there everyone :)

It looks like the rain has gone but it is still a little dull with the sun trying to peep through. I gonna try and make it to the swimming pool today but I am not sure if I will. There is only a 2 hour window when schools are not in to go swimming and that might be a difficult time for me :confused:

I have to get the bags of clothes (2 large black bags full) to the charity shop after my massive sort out yesterday and I have a few other bits and pieces to do.

Jim - I had forgotten you were starting your new journey yesterday. How did it go? I know you say you're feeling grumpy today but it will pass and there is a new smoke free Jim waiting in the wings with all the health incentives that come with it. Good luck to you - it's a tough journey but you will do it :)

Have a terrific Tuesday everyone x
Morning all, how's it going Jim? I remember when my grandad was giving up, he started by cutting down so whenever he went out for a fag me and my brother would go out with him with scissors and cut the end of his fag off!
That's so naught Taz - but brilliant - was he cross?
That's great - is that where you and your brother got it from then?
LOL, that's one way of doing it I suppose, definitely "cutting" it down. :)
Tyn, Glad it is all sorted.

Jim, you've stopped smoking. I know how hard it can be. Both my husband and I smoke (smoked). My husband can't stop,rather he chosses not to...but with money the way it is at the moment he has to cut down. I stopped smoking twice previously. Both time I have stopped was because I found out i was PG. When my first son, I stopped as soon as I suspected, and went back when he was 6 months. And of course again when found out I was PG with Chris, he didn't seem to like my smoking which was the big give away I was PG again. I have been lucky in that whilst I have smoked for 16 years...I was NEVER a heavy smoker. I would smoke outside, only in the evenings. And not even everyday. I never smoked during working, and none of my co workers ever knew i smoked until we would have a works do. But like most smokers it was a social thing...when I drank ( which wasn't often) or when i was on the phone to friends and family ( 2-3 times a week) I would be outside smoking it up. But of course this time round I am PG again and I have no interest....and of course i want to do well for my I won't be going back this time. TBH I am not sure why I went back last time. I actually almost forced myself to, as I didn't enjoy them at first. And again I have never had the feeling of GOD I NEED to have one. It was habitial rather than really wanting them. i.e on the phone. My OH on the the other hand he really is addicted. He had always promised that when I got PG the first time he would quit, but he never managed it. And there is no point in pressure...he has to want to do it...want to breath fresh, taste food properly. I want to be able not feel sick when he comes back in from having one. SO I do understand. Good on you for quitting. It's honestly the best thing you could do, along with your weight. And that money deeping on how much you smoked you could go on a nice holiday without evening thinking about it...if you put the money for them to the side. I worked out the other day we spend £167 a month on fags for him...which is more than our council tax and even more than my gas or electric a something has to give. So well done! Take it day by day...and just try to adjust your habits...and I am sure you will do well.

Gem, That is great you have gotten rid of bigger clothes...means you can't go good girl!!

Taz, well I am glad you are able to do a bit of exercise and get moving...are you back on SW or are you still doing SF and a small meal.

Well I weighted myself this morning and I am 2st 5 pounds up....and I so so chuffed....I am just eating normally and as healthy as I can with the odd bit of naughties now and again, but I have stopped eating in the evening if I am not actually hungry. I don't even want to think how much last PG I was up at this point. But as I have said in the last from the beginning of my first pg to the end I was up 7st. and of course lost 2 straight away and had 5 to lose. I lost 3 and had only 2 more to go when I got PG with chris so....I am only 5 lbs up from where I start from when I joined this group. And if I can still make sure I eat well and keep active, if I can make sure I hopefully don't gain any more than a stone and 9 lbs...then I should be good to go. Hopefully lose 2stone again straight away and only have the 2 stone I started with...which would make me uber chuffed.

Anyway, Not up to much today...just goona play the wii fit with LU and make some dora fairy cakes and wait for the groceries to arrive. And if I am lucky, I can get some of the baby stuff sorted out.

So hope you all have a great day. I'll be round if this thing send me the emails to let me know when people make comments. It happens sometimes and sometimes not much I can do.
Hi Mr Wombat :)

I know it's going to be hard Jenn, but I am determined.
Jim, that is great I am sure you will do just what you set out to. Good luck....I'll be thinking of ya.

Hey are you?

Taz, hahaha....I know it is a pain in the butt. I stopped my SW subscription, but know what i like and don't and I i have the books so that will do for now, at least until the baby is here. I bet you feel a bit better for it too now. I am stilling trying to decide if I am going to do a couple of week of CDing and then go to SW after the baby get rid of the weight. But it will all depend on if I am BF or not. Cuz i can't see how it could be healthy to ss when bfing. So I shall see.
hey guys. i have a boiler that works!! (does a little jig :D)

and i lost 6.75lbs on my cdc's scales this week. and i'm working until 11 tonight but i just started so i need to go now, ha.

abz xx
Nice one abz, well done all that and a working boiler. :)
i can't wait to have a hot bath!! might have to wait until tomorrow night though because i won't be home until nigh on 12 and i might be back at work at 7 depending on whether they need me tomorrow evening. that's my choice by the way, ha. i have thursday off and it might be nice to be going home earlier and having longer to relax with thomas than finishing at 11pm... we'll see how i feel about it :)

abz xx
Nice one Abz, well done!

Jenn, I don't think you are allowed to do CD while you are feeding. SW adapt the plan for nursing mothers, I think you have extra HE's to get the calcium you need for you both.

Hey Wombat!
Hi there Wombat - good to see you round these ere parts x :)

Jenn - make sure you keep yourself healthy when the baby is born. You'll have a lot of running round to do, also breatfeeding uses energy. I heard the other day that some of the effects of pregnancy and childbirth can take 2 or 3 years to settle (I believe the relaxin that softens the pelvis may take even longer to leave the body) so just take care and get the nutrition and the calories you need to be healthy x :)

Abz - Pamper night tonight then - hot bath with bubbles I reckon x :)

Taz - Glad your grandad left you a legacy of fun and naughtiness - can't beat it x :)

Jim - On a roll now (not roll up) day 2 is well underway - I reckon this is well doable for you x :)
god i'm bored and it's only half past four. this would be a usual time as i finish at 5... except i don't. i'm here for another six hours... oh dear...

abz xx